Oh no

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Shadow woke up, his head pounding as he opened his eyes. He groaned, seeing he was in a cell, his ankles and wrists chained up, only allowing him to take a few steps before getting pulled back again.

Eggman chucked and walked up to the bars "looks whose awake" he smirked, eyes gleaming behind his glasses. Shadow growled again "where is Sonic?!" The doctor just smirked "your too late Shadow, he isn't your Sonic now..he is my slave now" his eyes widened "I'm going to destroy you! Let him go!"

He fell quite as a blue toddler walked over, big Emerald eyes on him "master, who is he?" Sonic looked up at him. Eggman smirked "no one important Sonic, he shall be destroyed in time." The little one nodded, glancing back at Shadow.

His ears lowered, looking at the small one "Sonic? You don't remember me?" The toddler stared at him for a while before shaking his head no. Eggman laughed evilly and walked away, Sonic sitting down out sit of the cell, and watching Shadow.

Shadow raised a eyebrow "what are you looking at?"

"A faker" the toddler laughed


"Master said I have to watch you"

"Oh, so you don't remember anything about me?"

He shaked his head

Shadow glanced around and spotted a Emerald, "hey Sonic, touch that Emerald for me"

He raised a eyebrow and walked over, placing a hand on it, the minute he did the Emerald started to glow, returning the small ones memory. His eyes widened and he glanced at Shadow "Shadow! I remember! And now I'm stuck like this forever..." He walked up to the cell bars.

"What all do you remember Sonic?" The blue one though "just being a baby and toddler" Shadow signed "so you don't remember being a teenager? A hero?" The small one shaked his head and tossed the Emerald in the cell, helping Shadow teleport out.

The alarms went off and Shadow quickly picked him up, teleporting back to Tails's house. "Tails! I need you to run a test on Sonic"

Later on...

Tails signed "there isn't a way to change him back....and he lost all his memory of before he was a toddler...." He looked down at Sonic. The toddler smiling "it's okay, I'll live" Shadow picked him up again "Sonic, would you mind being adopted?"

The blue one smiled big "by you?!" The dark one chuckled and nodded "that's right" "yes! But no more pea food!" He took his tongue out, making a face.

Silver ran in "I'm here! What did I miss?" The blue one laughed "hi uncle Silver" Silver slowly waved hi "hello....Sonic?"

Sonic smiled "can go home....dad?" Shadows ears perked up and he chucked, teleporting home "nap time for you kiddo." The toddler mad a run for it "noo!!!"

"Sonic! Nap time!"

"Make me!!"

"Grrrr I will get the pea food back out!"

He laughed and ran out of the house, the dark one running after him "how is he so fast!?"

Sorry for sucky chapter but I wanted to update before the internet goes away, I got some from a store but it's to slow so I'm not sure this will update. As you can see the B team won, sorry but Eggman will pay don't worry

Here we go again (book 2) sequel to kid problemsWhere stories live. Discover now