Double Bath

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Sonic was being dragged , claws in the ground as Manic had a tight grip on his leg and Shadow was dragged Manic along. "No bath!!" He yelled as he was pulled into the bathroom and the door was locked close. The minute Manic let him go he ran up to the door and tried to break it down.

Shadow put the water on and waited for it to full up enough to take a bath for them, but not enough for someone aka sonic to 'die' because it was too deep. He turned to them and picked up Manic, setting him in the tub, Manic sat and laughed a little playing with the water.

Meanwhile Shadow was running back and forth trying to catch the little blue , Manic splashed some water, causing the black one to slip on it and land flat on his back "ow..." He mumbled and Sonic giggled and jumped on his stomach, "got ya!" He giggled and jumped on his stomach, "oof!" Shadow growled a little.

Shadow smirked and grabbed him, putting him down in the tub, the minute he did Sonic started to splash like crazy. "Sonic! Stop! Your getting me all wet!" Shadow yelled as Sonic kept going crazy. Manic sat there looking at them like a perfect little child. Shadow used one hand to hold him down and grabbed the soap, pouring some on him and scrubbing him clean of baby food.

He pouted and crosses his arms as Shadow scrubbed his head. He was almost finished when Sonic grabbed his hand and pulled him, causing Shadow to fall into the soapy water was well. "Sonic!" He yelled as the two laughed at him. Later he came out of the restroom holding two clean toddlers. He had soap on his head and was all wet as well.

"You need a bath" Silver laughed as he glared at them "ya thanks to Sonic" he mumbled as Sonic smiled innocently "all I did was sit there" he said with big Emerald eyes. Shadow put the two down on the couch and went to take a bath if his own.

Silver and Scourge glanced at each other before looking at the two smirking toddlers. "Oh no..."

Shadow had finished taking his shower and walked into the living room, his eyes widened and he glanced around, Silver and Scourge were tied back to back sitting on the floor, baby food in there mouths. There was a bucket of sugar on the floor half eaten, and in the middle of all the mess, sat Sonic and Manic, a cute smile stuck on there faces.

"You two!" He said pointing at them with his eyes narrowed, the two smiled and Manic jumped on Sonic's back, the blue one took off out of the house, Shadow's eyes widened "he's walking?! And running?!" He quickly took of after them.

"Mmhmmmm!!!!" Silver and Scourge yelled still tied up with pea flavored baby food in there mouths.

Sorry for short chapter but I'm just busy right now, don't worry this week is my spring break so I shall update my books!! Leave a comment?

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