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Sonic p.o.v

"SONIC!! GET YOUR BLUE BUTT OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!!" Shadow yelled as I hid behind the couch giggling, Shadow had to change my dipper and since I couldn't crawl yet I rolled away when he turned to get the new dipper. I could hear him running around and I held in my laughter. 

"Silver help me find the blueberry" I heard him growl and walk away. "You lost him!" Silver exclaimed getting up and searching. I yelled as cold hands picked me up "found him!" Silver laughed "Silv! Put me down!" I protested as he handed me to Shadow, who had a firm grip on me "nope your getting a new dipper" he said taking me back to the room. "Shadow!! I don't like you changing me!" I complained as he put me down and put a hand on my stomach to keep me from rolling away again as he grabbed the dipper.

I crossed my legs closed as he turned back "faker let me put your dipper on" he said as I  shaked my head "don't need it" I said stubbornly. "Yes you do! Hey is that Amy at the door?" He asked as his ears twitched.  My eyes widened before I yelled "ok fine!! Put it on!!" I exclaimed as I let him put it on "got you!" He with with a chuckle. I glared at him "she isn't here is she?" He laughed and picked me up "nope."

Silver was drinking Coffee when we walked in and he sat on the couch, putting me in the middle. I poked silver "me have coffee?" I asked with big emerald eyes. "Nope your to young" he said taking a sip and I made a sad face "plwease?" I asked again, this time Shadow answered "no it can messed up your brain since your young now" he said handing me a bottle of what looked like orange juice.

"Me no want wuice" I said glaring at the juice in his hand, but my stomach growled so I took it and drank some, before drinking more "haha you like it" Silver said with a chuckle. I finished it and threw it at he's face. "Hey!" He cried as I giggled.

It was then that there was a knock on the door and I looked at Shadow and he got up and opened the door. I heard him talking and he walked back with Scourge, Silver quickly picked me up and put me in his lap, holding me tight.

Scourge looked at me and tilted his head to a side "your a baby again blue?" He asked as Silvers arm was on my face and I started to kick, "sorry!" Silver exclaimed, removing his arm. "Ya...because of Egg-fjds" the green one laughed "nice grammar there" he said as I crossed my arms "what are you doing here anyways?" I asked him "I'm tired of being evil, I want to help" he said as Shadow and Silver glared at him.

"We will give you one try" Shadow warned as Scourge walked up to Silver "can I hold him?" He asked, I felt Silver hold me tighter "no" he said like a five year old that doesn't want to share his candy. I put my arms up and Scourge picked me up, Silver glaring.

He held me kind of weird "I don't really know how to hold a baby" he chuckled as I just looked at him before Shadow took me from him "ya well learn first" he said holding me. "Protective much?" Scourge said with a grin before sitting on the couch "Eggface and Mephiles are up to no good" he warned  

Here we go again (book 2) sequel to kid problemsWhere stories live. Discover now