Pool party

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"Cannon ball!!!" Scourge yelled, splashing into the huge pool as cool water scattered everywhere. Manic squealed happily as Silver splashed him, chuckling as the tiny ones yelps because of the coldness of the water.

Shadow was inside growling "come on Sonic, it's just water" he whined glancing out at the others having fun. The little blue one was hiding under a couch, floats on his tiny arms. "It's summer Sonic, I'll hold you don't worry" he tried again, bending down and glancing under, grabbing the tiny one by the tail and pulled him out gently. The blue one yelped and ran away, hiding once more.

Scourge walked in wet "come on stripes, your missing the fun" he smirked pulling out a water gun and shooting at the dark ones face, causing him to fall back with a 'thump.'
The green one laughed and ran away as Shadow ran after him, growling "cmon greenies time for a swim in the deep side!" He smirked tackling him

Scourge kicked him off "no no no" he ran off and jumped in the pool, making a face at Shadow "scared"? He teased.

Sonic watched from the window, giggling at them as Shadow jumped in, pushing the green one under the water, Scourge not being a lover of water panicked and pulled Shadow under with him, smirking slightly.

The little blue ones eyes widened as he ran out to the edge of the pool, glancing in. He yelped and fell back as the two emerged from the water, coughing slightly. The green one growled "don't kill me stripes! I could have died!"  The dark one chuckled "sadly I won't."

The green one noticed the blue toddler and pulled him into a hug, dragging the kicking one into the water "nuuuu!!! A ahhh!!! Water!! " the toddler cried as the cold water reached his waist. Shadow growled and took the blue one, smacking Scourge on the back of the head. Sonic kept wiggling , climbing on the dark ones head, who chuckled and got out, grabbing a towel and wrapping him up.

"I want ice cream"

"No, no more sweets"

"Plzzzzzzz Swadow?"

"Ugh no puppy eyes....fine!"



Hehe someone might get hyper XD
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Here we go again (book 2) sequel to kid problemsWhere stories live. Discover now