Plot twist

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Shadow's ears pinned back against his head, the tiny blue fur ball quivering with fear. "What's the catch?...."

Mephilies chuckled darkly "nothing nothing...I just wish to help him but in return you must work along side with me and obey my every command...only for a few weeks." His voice melted out of his lisp like poison dripping slowly into a gallon of water...slowly killing anyone that drank from it.

The ultimate stayed quiet for a while ".....everything is telling me not to do this...but two tails said that if he sonic didn't turn back....he would..." His voice cracked slightly, suddenly his calm crimsons orbs turn a violent red, a storm brewing and growing within them. His lips parted softly and a deep voice escaped "...if you hurt him in anyway I will kill you....but if you do save him...I will obey you.." Sonic's ears perked softly "nuuu dada!!!"

Shadow glanced to him but stayed quiet as Mephiles smirked darkly and lead them off to a base, well hidden from view of man, a base deep in a volcano.

Quietly Shadow set down Sonic, who squealed at a water droplet that landed on his head, emerald orbs wide and cute. The black one gave a small chuckle at him, falling quiet as his orbs shifted to a machine near by, narrowed.

Mephiles chuckled, sharp razor teeth gleaming in the Dark  as he opened the door "step in Sonic the hedgehog"

Sonic gave a small whimper and look to Shadow, who gently knelt down and with a finger lifted the tiny ones head up to look at him, Emerald orbs watery. "...listen Sonic...I promise I will be right here when you come out, still your don't have to be scared I'll never hurt you, okay?" He gently wiped away the tears from his eyes, the smaller one sniffling and hugging Shadow "....okay I twrust you" he smiled and let him go, running off to the machine. He paused before entering and glanced back at Shadow "....chwaos Bakst!" He giggled and jumped in, the door closing.

Mephiles smirked quietly and set the machine on, the blue one giving a painful cry in pain, making Shadow flinch, but he waited as it fell quiet and the door opened.

Emerald orbs gleamed brightly as the smoke cleared, but his smile fell as Shadow fell to his knees, a helmet covering his head. Mephiles chuckled evilly "hahahah! Now shadow for your first task, don't worry you are fully aware of what you will be doing...but your body will be out of your control" he chuckled.

Sonic growled and attacked him, yelping and tumbling down, smacking into the wall "..I guess I'm just not use to my new body weight..." He chuckled softly, watching as Shadow slowly got up, his fist flying toward, his fingers wrapping around the blue ones neck, Emerald orbs shooting opened in surprise.

"Shadow your first commandment is to kill Sonic...."

Crimson orbs widened quietly as he tossed Sonic into a wall, screaming and latching into the air. Sonic eyes widening as he got closer, screaming in both fear and confusion


Oopppps hahhaha XDD let me know what you think and sorry for the late update. Also please follow this amazing account, silver_fire_wolf99 I promise if she get 30 followers I'll update more of my books and this one XDD peace out!

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