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Sonic p.o.v

It was lunch time and Shadow, Silver, and Scourge were at the table, I was in a high chair. "I want chile dog." I told Shadow looking down at my mushy baby food. "No" he said firmly as I crosses my arms before giggling. I looked at Silver and Scourge, "hey do y'all know that one song, by Adele?" I asked glancing at Shadow. His eyes widened a little before he jumped out of his chair "ok! I'll put chile dogs in the blender for you, happy?!" He exclaimed as I smiled "very." The other two looked confused.

After I drank my chile dogs I was sitting on the floor playing with some blocks from the last time I was this small. The rest were watching the game. "Shadow! Come play with me!" I yelled as he kept his eyes on the tv and just put a finger up, telling me to be quiet. "HELLO! ITS ME!" I yelled and Shadow zoomed over to me, he looked irritated "what? I'm watching the game!" He cried as I smirked at him "play blocks with me? please?" I asked with puppy eyes.

He gave me a glare "and if I don't?" I narrowed my eyes and then yelled "SILVER! Do you know we have a dancer living in this house?" I asked as Shadow sat down next to me and picked up a block as Silver turned to look at us. "Um..ya this block!" Shadow said using a block and making it dance side to side. Silver gave him a 'your crazy' look before turning back to the game.

By the time the game was finished we had built a castle with the blocks. I smiled at him and he gave me a small smile. Scourge pasted by and his foot hit the bottom block, dropping the whole castle. I started at him then back at the fallen piece then back at him. "Charge!" I yelled and crawled to him, sat on his foot and started to punch his leg "why did you destroy it?!?!?" I yelled angry.

He looked down at me with a confused look then picked me up, as I kept trowing punches. He held me in one hand and with the other he held my tiny hands together so that I would stop punching. I glared at him "you destroyed my castle" I said pounting at him. He looked down and saw the mess "that was a castle?" He asked as I made a sad face and almost cried.

He saw my face and looked up at Shadow and Silver who were glaring at him. "I..um..mean I'm sorry blue, it wasn't on purpose". I was quite for a while before I smirked "I'll forgive you if you teach me how to walk" I said as he glanced at the others before looking back at me. "Fine you got a deal" he told me as he set me back down on the floor.

I crawled to Shadow and looked up "can you show me how monkeys walk?". He gave me a look "no". I glared "hey you know that one son-" I was cut of when Shadow bent down and put his arms in the arm "oooo ah! Ooo ahh!" He said imitating a monkey. We all started to laugh like crazy as his face turned red.

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