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The little green one slept peacefully on the bed unaware of the big Emerald eyes that stared at him, as if that could wake him from his slumber. Sonic sat there just looking at his twin brother and wondering who had done this. He was startled when Shadow picked him up, holding him with one arm on his side.

"Let's let him sleep ya?" He whispered as Sonic glanced at his brother once more before nodding. They left the room and headed for the living room.

Silver was asleep on the couch and Sonic signaled Shadow to put him down, who did so and Smirked. Scourge opened a eye to see what the little blue bundle was up to. Sonic continued to crawl to were Silver was and climb on the couch, beside him. He giggled before whispering in his ear

"Silver! Blaze is here and you don't have any pants on!"

Silver jumped up glancing around "DONT LOOK BLAZE! no...pants...on..." His face fell as he realized what had happened and he blushes as red as a tomato. The others bursted out laughing and Silver slowly sat back down embarrassed.

Sonic laughed more "what...hahhaha..pants?..hahahah your big boy pants?!" He fell over on his back laughing.  Silver slowly slouched in his seat, trying to hid and vanish from view. They all froze as a cough was heard.

They all turned to see Manic standing there, he was rubbing his eye and yawned before starting at them like a scared cat. Before anyone could blink he was knocked over by a blue blur who embraced him, the two fell down on the floor and Manic looked at him surprised "Sonic?!" He cried.

Sonic smiled and let him go "yup bro it's me! What happens to you?" He asked as Manic grinned "what happened to me?! What happened to you!" The two bursted out in a mess of giggles. The others watched amused.

Manic's stomach rumbled, causing them to stop and stare at him "hehe I'm a little hungry" The small green one chuckled a little embarrassed. Shadow picked up Manic and took him to the kitchen, setting him down in Sonic's high chair, Sonic didn't mind he was happy to sit on Silver's lap to eat.

Shadow looked true the foods and took out a banana flavored for the blue one and tossed it to Silver, who was holding Sonic. The blue one smirked mischievously  before whispering something to Silver who passed it to Shadow who chuckled.

He got mystery flavor that Sonic picked and opened it before taking a spoon full and giving it to Manic. The little one started to taste it before taking his tongue out, one eye closed "EWWW!!! PEA!" he cried and started to rub his tongue with his tiny hands.

He stopped when he heard Sonic dieing of laughter and he glared "this was your doing wasn't it?" He asked as Sonic nodded , still laughing. The rest chuckled as Manic pouted and looked up at Shadow asking to be put down so he could get revenge. The black one lifted him up and put him down.

He quickly grabbed a spoon full of the pea food and shoved it into Sonic's mouth, which was open from laughing. Manic quickly put a hand over his mouth "swallow it" he commanded as the blue one tried to spit it out , he shacked his head and pushed Manic away, the two tumbled on the floor and Sonic spilt it out, all over his brother.

"Eww!" Manic grabbed the rest of the food and purred it on Sonic's head, "DAD!!!" Sonic screamed before realizing what he said "I um.. I mean Shadow...I" he was speckless and the others just stared at Shadow to see his respond.

Shadow look like he was out of thought, just staring at nothing in particular, he was snapped out of it and and just smiled a little "I think you two need a bath" the moment those words left his mouth Sonic mad a run for it, but his brother caught him and held him back "we are going down together bro"

Check out my new book kidnapped? Please!? The chu!!! And yes bath time next chapter hehehe. How is Manic?


Here we go again (book 2) sequel to kid problemsWhere stories live. Discover now