Ice cream

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Shadow p.o.v

I had just sat down in the couch after getting ice cream for the toddlers, I chuckled as I watched them happily eating their different flavored treats, there tail wagging happily. I turned to my own vanilla ice cream but before I could even take a lick I was pulled away my someone. I growled as I dropped my cone and faced the two tailed fox that had make me drop it "what do you want fox?" I growled lowly.

His ears lowered slightly, as he back away, whispering "we need to talk about Sonic." My facial expression dropped as I glanced at the toddler, walking into a room with the fox  "spill it" I ordered. He rubbed his head nervously "if we don't change him back before tomorrow....he will stay like that....forever..meaning he will have to grow up again and might even loose his memories he has..." My eyes widened slightly, a lump in my throat as I sat down on a bed near by, running my gloved hands true my quills.

Tails spoke up "I'll try to make a machine, but I don't think we will have time....he is already starting to forget some stuff" and with that he left the room, leaving me thinking. My ears perked up as a small whimper was heard from the door, my Crimson eyes glanced over at the blue hedgehog that was peeping in the cracked open door.

I signed quietly and stood up, picking him up and giving him a fake smile "finished your ice cream pal?" He nodded slowly, hugging me. I teased up slightly surprised by this but hug him back "what's on your mind kiddo?" I whispered, rubbing his back gently.

"Can you promise me something?" He whispered back, ears lowered. My ears perked up slightly, listening and nodding. "If I do loose my memory and can't change back....can you be my new dad?" I froze, my heart pounding 'did he just ask me to be his dad?' I fell quiet, thinking.


A evil doctor was stroking his mustache, a evil grin plastered on his face "if that blue rat losses his memories, I can raise him as my weapon of destruction" he laughed evilly, suddenly the lights turned on and this robots stood there "fool! Can't you see I was having a moment?!" He growled, the robots dimming the lights and slowly leaving.

~~~~~~~back to Shadow, a few hours later~~~~

My eyes widened as Tails finished the gun and shoot Manic, turning him back to his normal self. He grinned "nice." I wasn't listening though, my eyes where on he small blue toddler that was shaking, ready to be shoot at. Tails shakily lifted the gun, ready to shoot when a laser come out of nowhere, breaking the gun. My ears perked up as a heard a high pitched scream. Mist filled the room and my eyes slowly started to close, the last thing I saw was a claw coming for me as I blacked out.

so tell me if y'all want A-sonic to turn back to normal , or B-have him loose his memory and shadow have to raise him as his son ^^ first one to get  8 votes wins.

Here we go again (book 2) sequel to kid problemsWhere stories live. Discover now