The end?

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'It's been a year since I adopted Sonic, so far everyday has been a new adventure with him, he always seems to get in troubled, it's weird but I see him more as my little brother then a son. I guess you can say I even lo-'

I dropped my dairy and ran to the living room as a loud crash was hear "Sonic! Manic!" I ran in and signed, the two toddlers where covered in mud, my flower garden destroyed. Oh yeah, so Manic is also adopted and in the same conditions as the blue mess over there. "Guys what did I say about playing in my garden?" I asked calmly.

Sonic crossed his arms "grumpy daddy said not to go in the other one." I raised a eyebrow slightly at him and looked outside where he was pointing "Sonic...that's a pile of grass."

Manic bursted out in giggles, with Sonic soon joining. I smirk slightly at them "bath time." Manic signed "but daddy!" He whined, I chuckled and and picked him up, reaching for the blue one when he ran off "Sonic! Get back here."

I growled and ran after him, Manic holding on tight and I ran faster and picked up the blue toddler and swung him over my shoulder, kicking "nu! Nu!" He cried.

I quickly ran in the restroom and shut the door behind me, setting them down. Sonic hugged my leg tight "plz no bath!" I shook my head and put the water on, placing Manic and Sonic in. "Sonic! Keep still!" He slipped away and jumped out, causing me to fall back in the water back first. Manic quickly jumped on me "ride!"

"Oof not now Manic" I gently pick him up and set him down in the water, running after Sonic and grabbing him, quickly taking a bath for the two and wrapping them up in a towel "y'all two are trouble" I mumble, sitting down. Sonic crawled into my lap and hugged me "sworry."

I smile faintly and hug him back "it's okay kiddo." Manic ran up and joined the hug, smiling huge. "Who wants cookies?" I chuckled, standing up and heading for the kitchen. The two smiled widely "yes!."

The two where eating there cookies when my ears perked up at a knock at the door, I slowly stand up and head to the door, opening it slowly.

Silver was standing there, grinning. I raised a eyebrow and let him in, the toddler running over and hugging him. He chuckled "hey guys, I got something for you" he grinned and pulled out a remote car and pushed it away, the two running after it.

I chuckled and shook my head "you spoil them too much." Silver laughed before looking at me "we have to talk...."

Here we go again (book 2) sequel to kid problemsWhere stories live. Discover now