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Shadow came to a stop and glanced around, looking for the two runaways. His Crimson eyes scanned the area until they landed on a park in the distance, a blue blur could be seen going up the slide along with a green one. He smirked before running in the direction of the park "what do you think y'all are doing here?!" Shadow asked in a firm voice.

Manic jumped at the sound of his voice and fell of the slide, the dark hedgehog quickly caught him. "Having fun duh!" Sonic said sliding down the slide and running up again. He put Manic down and made a dash to catch the little trouble maker, but he dodged at the last minute, causing Shadow to fall head first down the slide, face planting.

Sonic laughed his head off before jumping on his back and running of to the swings, followed by Manic. Shadow growled and pulled his face out of the dirt, spiting out some dirt and getting up with a growl. He decided to let them play for a while , so he sat on the bench and relaxed, closing his eyes for a little while, ears alert.

Sonic jumped on a swing and Manic was about to jump on the other , when a small squirrel looking boy knocked him out of the way, causing him to fall on his behind and start to cry a little. "What a cry baby!!" The boy said as two more small boys came from behind laughing. Sonic quickly jumped In front of his brother and crosses his arms.

"Hey! Pick on someone your own size!" He yelled right in the boy's face, not scared at all by him. "Ya like you!" The biggest of the boys said pushing Sonic back, making him fall, they all laughed and surrounded him.

Shadow awoke when he heard a familiar scream, quickly he jumped up and ran toward the side of the park were the scream came from, "Sonic?! Manic?!" His eyes widened and he glared as he saw what was happening.

Two of the boys had Sonic held back as the other one was punching him, Shadow's  fur flashed dark for a second before he ran up and pushed the boys away, scooping up Sonic who was in tears, he also picked up the scared Manic. "Hey!! Don't you ever hurt anyone like that before!" He growled glaring.

The three boys were terrified and nodded there head very fast, gulping a little as Shadow turned to leave "I'm going to tell my mom!" The biggest boy whispered a little scared. Shadow smirked "yeah yeah, and tell your mom Mephiles the dark said hi" he said with a little laughed before he teleported home with the two little Hedgies.

He appeared and was welcomed with a screaming Silver and Scourge, "you just left us tied up!!" "Yeah! What's the matter with yo-" they stopped as they say the little crying hedgehogs in his hands "w-what happened?" Shadow signed and handed Manic to Silver before heading to the restroom with Sonic "I'll tell you later"

He walked in and sat Sonic down near the sink, the little blue one wiped away some tears and rubbed his cheek where there was a bruise. "Don't touch it" Shadow said taking out some supplied and cleaning his face. "What where you thinking Sonic?" He asked cleaning carefully above his bruise.

"They were hurting my brother, I had to help you helped me" the little one said as Shadow stopped and looked at him, "hehe, guess you have been a hero even since you were a kid" he smiled and put a small bandage on his cheek. "Let's go hero, how does some cookies sound?" He asked as he picked him up and headed out to the kitchen.

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Here we go again (book 2) sequel to kid problemsWhere stories live. Discover now