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Shadow was sleeping on the couch, having a nice dream when he awakened with a Yelp "ow! What the-" he turned to look at the small blue one that had bit his tail "faker!" He growled and he lifted the small one and set him on his lab, "ew now I got baby germs" she said making a face as Sonic's eyes filled with tears, "I-m....sorry!!" He bursted out crying "I...didn't k-know..w-what I was ...thinking!" He cried harder. The dark one signed and smiled before hugging him "it's ok faker."

He let go and used his fingers to open the little ones mouth and looked in "yup, your teeth are growing out" he said releasing his mouth as the blue one still had tears going down his face. He hugged him and sat up, heading for the kitchen, Scourge was there eating some eggs. "Greenie!!" The toddler giggled pointing as the hedgehog who narrowed his eyes "hey blue pineapple" he replied crossing his arms.

The little blue one frowned and looked at Shadow "I found my new thing to bit" he smiled cutely and Shadow handed him to Scourge , who took him and put him down on his lap "why you giving me the squirt?" He asked confused. Before he could figure it out the toddler bit his finger "oww!! Hey quit it!!" He yelled trying to push the little one off "stripes!! Help!!" He yelled as the dark one chuckled and removed the toddler "that enough blue, you don't know where that has been" he laughed.

Scourge glared "shut it!" He said leaving the house. The minute he did they bursted out laughing "think he is mad?" Sonic asked laughing "positive" the older one chuckled.
Silver come down drinking some coffee "keep it down will ya, Manic is still asleep" he yawned and sat on the couch. Emerald eyes looked at him "I'm hungry" he said getting down and crawling over to Silver , he climbed the couch and sat next to him "can I have coffee?" He asked smiling.

"No" Silver said and took a sip "your to young for coffee" he said as Sonic spotted a Dr.pepper bottle on a table near and smiled cutely "ok fine" he said crawling off and walking to the table, his little hand was about to grab it when a bigger gloved hand grabbed it "nope faker" the dark one chuckled. "Why not shadz!!!" The blue one whined and stomped his foot.

"You get to hyper with this" he said simply and then narrowed his eyes "and no tantrums or I'm going to have to hit you" he warned as the small ones eyes widened "your no the boss of me!" He yelled and crossed his little arms, looking away. "Yes I am! Now go to your room!" He screamed back.

The little ones eyes filled with tears and his bottom lip started to quiver "f-fine!" He yelled as his eyes gave out and the tears flowed down his cheek as he ran to his room and slammed the door shut. Manic was fast asleep and flinched as he heard the noise but didn't wake.

Sonic walked to the corner and sat down, hugging his knees and the tears flowed "no one cares..." He said before sneaking out of the room and running out in the forest.

Shadow sat down and signed after Sonic left "I was to strict" he said feeling bad for screaming at him. Silver stayed quiet for awhile "go talk to him" he said sipping his coffee, the dark one was quiet before getting up and walking to the room.

Silver was drinking his coffee when Shadow ran in and pulled him up, causing him to drop his coffee "ah! That's hot!! My coffee!!!" He whined "Sonic ran away!!" He yelled before letting him go "we have to find him before someone else does!" He said looking down, "this is all my fault...."

Here we go again (book 2) sequel to kid problemsWhere stories live. Discover now