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Thank you @tayloralison13 for giving me my first comment, I love you :)



Taylor and Ed hung out with Andrea and the band for the rest of the day. They had another show in a few days so they took all the time they could sight-seeing and exploring the city. The rumours about Ed and Taylor dating were definitely swirling, despite the fact that Ed flat out denied it.

*A few days later (RED Concert)*

Ed and Taylor walked out of her dressing room.

"Thanks Ed, you're gonna kill it!" Taylor told him encouragingly.

"Thanks, love." he said hugging her tight.

"ED, YOU'RE ON!" some staff person yelled from across the room.

They pulled apart and Ed ran onstage. The crowd roared loudly when he stepped foot in center stage.

"Hello, how is everybody doing tonight?"

Taylor watched Ed perform his first song onstage then she was called for hair, makeup and wardrobe. By the time she was finished Ed was almost done with his last song. She leaned against a wall, watching him in amazement. Then all of a sudden, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around thinking it would be Andrea or one of the dancers, but it wasn't.

"Harry.....what are you doing here?"

"Um....I" he started but then he was cut off by Andrea grabbing Taylor by the hand, and pulling her away. But then, she realized who her daughter was talking to.

"Harry." She said some what surprised and very bitterly.

"Oh, hey, Mrs. Swift" She glared at him then pulled Taylor away.

"We'll talk about this later" she mumbled under her breathe.

Ed finished his set. "Thank you, thank you very much! Enjoy the rest of the show!" Then he ran backstage. As soon as he stepped backstage, he stopped in his tracks. 'Harry?' he thought.

"Harry!" he said. "I'm so glad to see you, what brings you here?"

"Stop with the shit, Ed." Ed looked at Harry with a confused expression on his face. Harry walked up to him.

"I know what's up. With you and Taylor" he said coldly.

"What are you talking about?"

"I read the papers, I've seen the headlines. I know you and Taylor are dating"


"Ed, how could you do this to your best friend?"

"Harry, I-"

"You know what, I don't wanna hear it" Harry said storming off.

"Great" Ed mumbled.

A few songs later, Taylor called Ed out onto the stage to perform Everything Has Changed. He ran onto stage and gave her a hug, then strapped on his tiny guitar. He looked back and saw Harry shaking his head at him. He turned back around. Taylor looked at him.

"You good to go?" She walked over to him in response. He walked up a bit and stood only inches away from her and her guitar, then he started playing. A few seconds later she walked back to her sparkly RED mic and began singing......

"Ed Sheeran, everybody!" she hollered to the crowd when they were done. Ed unstrapped his guitar and gave her another hug. He walked back stage and stopped in front of Harry.

"I wouldn't do that" he said.


"HARRY!" he whisper shouted. "You know as well as I do that not everything in the media is true! And it hurts to think that you would believe them over me! They make stuff up, Harry, its their job."

Harry thought about it. 'He's right. Plenty of things were put in the media about me that weren't true. Of course Ed isn't dating Taylor! He wouldn't even have a chance!' Harry thought to himself.

"Sorry, mate. You're right. " Ed nodded and they both stood there to watch the rest of the show.

It was a very entertaining hour and a half when Taylor finally closed out the show and came backstage. She spotted Harry and Ed together and walked up to them.




So yea, just thought I'd add a bit of drama. Please keep reading, shank you.


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