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My mind is going absolutely crazy right now. I feel like I've been betrayed. Why would she do this to me? I've never been more hurt in my entire life.

It might not be yours.

The words replay over and over in my mind and I feel like crying, but I don't. I hold everything in. Although, I am upset about hurting Taylor. I never thought I'd do anything like that towards her. She's gonna think I'm like her other boyfriends- only there to hurt her. That's not what I want, I was just...mad....

I go over all the possible people who could be the father of that child until I get to my best bet: Harry.

Before long, I'm calling Harry's phone.


"Hey Hazza."

"What's up, buddy?"

"Nothing much, I was just wondering if you'd seen Taylor lately like I don't the past 3 months maybe?"

He hums to himself, trying to recall whether he'd seen her or not.

"I don't believe I've seen her since she broke it off actually."

"You swear?"

"Of course, you don't believe me?"

"No, it's just..."

"Yea, Edward?"

"You can't tell ANYONE, okay?"

"What is it?"

I contemplate telling him but I feel like I have to get all of this off my chest. I need to talk to somebody.

"Taylor's pregnant."

There's a long pause on the other end and I can just imagine the look on his face right now.


"Ed, you're kidding right?"

"No, we went to the doctor and yea she's 3 months pregnant."

"Oh my God, congra- that why you asked me if I've seen her recently?"

"Yes, the baby might not be mine."

"Oh, Ed. I'm so sorry. But you thought I got her pregnant?"

"It could still be mine, I was only wondering. But anyways, please don't tell anyone. It's gonna be a surprise and we haven't even told our parents yet."

"I promise. It'll be okay, man."

"Alright, I'll call you later."





I sit in my room with tissues just about everywhere. Ed hasn't been home pretty much all week and I'm almost scared to talk to him. I haven't talked to anyone. Not my friends, not my parents, or my team. No one. I occasionally go through my photos from summer 2013, when we were on tour and overly happy to be near each other. Every picture held genuine smiles and hidden love. It was so much better then, not knowing but suspecting at the same time. Endless hours spent imagining being in a relationship with him. Denying all suspicions but blushing every time it came up. Being slightly flirty around him and watching his eyes light up in amusement. I wanna go back, but we're already too deep. I go back through the pictures again and again until I hear a continuous loud knock on the door. Not feeling well and hesitant to stand up, I trudge down the stairs. I thought the person would let up by now and I'd get to go back to my bed, but it won't stop. I finally arrive at the door and look through the peephole.


I unlock the door and he turns from where he was looking to stare at me.

"Harry, why are you here?" his face looks tense and he's angry, I can tell.

"Can I come in?" he asks. I move away from the door and let him in.

"You can sit", I say once I see he's just standing in the middle of the room with his maroon knit-sweater on.

"I don't want to."

"Ed's not here", I say, concluding that that was the reason he came.

"I came to talk to you, Taylor."

"Then talk", I say really confused now. He turns to face me.

"You hurt him."

"Who?" I ask.

"Ed, who else?"

I feel my heart ache even more but I softly say, "He told you?"

"Yea, how could you do this to him?"

I start to get worried now. Yea, I told someone but that was a 9 year old girl!

"I never meant to hurt him."

"This is Ed, Taylor, he loves you more than anything", I can feel his voice rising.

"And I love him too!"

"Then you wouldn't do that to him!"

I hold back the urge to yell in his face and calm my trembling voice, "You wouldn't understand, Harry." And he wouldn't. He doesn't know what I've been through.

"I understand just how heartless you really are."

"Whatever, just don't tell anyone", I say running my fingers through my hair.

"Why? To protect your image? So everyone will stop calling you a slut and a whore?!"

"Please go, Harry."

"Just for that I should tell! You don't care about Ed, all you care about is your career-"

"I do care about him!"




"WELL MY BAD FOR GETTING RAPED!" I cover my mouth at my outburst.

The heat is leaving my face and I'm staring at him as he's staring at me. I noticed when I said it, his face went soft. It turned from a face of anger to a face of shock. Complete and utter shock. We just stood there and stared, neither of us ready to say something.

Suddenly he goes, "Oh my God."

My hands are still over my mouth and I burst into tears, shaking my head. He walks over to me and wraps his warm arms around me.

"Please don't tell anyone", I cry into his chest.

"I-I won't", he stammers.

"Swear you won't", I croak out.

"I won't. I swear."

He rubs my back and shushes me while I'm in his arms. I can tell he's confused and in shock and it's only a matter of time before he starts asking me questions and I tell him everything. As much as I'm scared out of my life, it feels good to get it out.




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