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So I tell Harry everything and make him promise not to tell anyone. I'm gonna tell Ed. I'm just scared he'll go after Zac and put both of us in more danger than I already put us in. Besides, I don't want my family or my fans finding anything out. They wouldn't handle it very well.


I look up and see Ed in the doorway. I didn't even hear him come in.


"Um...hey", he says, awkwardly closing the door behind him.


He makes his way towards me and sits on the edge of my bed.

"Uh...I uh just wanted to erm...apologize for what I did to you."

I don't say anything, just let him continue.

"Well I'm sorry. I love you and I never meant to hurt you. I just-"

"Ed, I think we should break up", I cut him off quickly. His face goes pale and it looks like he's about to cry right there.


"I'm not asking you to leave my life forever, no matter what you're still gonna be apart of it... I just wanna be best friends again, for a little while?"

"But I-"

"I'm so sorry Ed. I really don't wanna do this but I miss how we were before."

"Me too but we can't just work this out or something?"

"We will, but for now we need a break from being a couple.... I love you", I say kissing him on the cheek.


He gets up and starts walking out of my room.

"Wait, Ed I have to tell you something."

He continues down the stairs. A few seconds later I hear the door slam and that's when I break down. What the hell did I do?



Why would she break up with me then say she loves me? Why would she even want to break up with me?

Because I hurt her. That's why.

I go home and lay in my bed all day. Taylor Swift just dumped me...even if it's just for a little while.

What am I gonna do?



Aware of how horrible this chapter is....I had massive writer's block.

But I'll try to update soon.


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