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"Ed, I'm sorry."

"What?" he says, getting louder.

"Ed, please", she pleads.

He stares at her harshly, face getting red.

"I can't believe this Taylor, I can't believe you."

"You know I would never do anything to hurt you...I was...I was drunk."

"Stop lying Taylor!" His booming voice makes her jump a little.

"I know you wouldn't get that drunk, you're more responsible than that."

"I know I am but this time I wasn't, okay? I missed you so I just started drinking. I-I didn't know what I was doing."

He shook his head and laughed a little, "Wow, Taylor... Just wow."

She was about to say something else but Ed's mom came in.

"Is everything okay? I heard someone shout."

"We're fine", Taylor whispers whilst Ed shakes his head.

"Matthew's here, come on out."

They stepped back into the living room, plastering smiles on their faces. Although Taylor seemed much better at it than him. Throughout dinner, and pretty much the rest of their short visit, they barely talked to each other or even looked in one another's direction.

"Are you and Ed okay?" Matthew asks Taylor as they're piling dishes in the sink.

"Yea, we're fine", she lies.

"I know my brother, he looks hurt."

Taylor sighs, "It's nothing, just a misunderstanding."





Ed's right. I'd never get that drunk. And I didn't. I had to make an excuse for all this. I would have waited until the baby was born but then he'd be crushed to know it isn't his...if it isn't his. I didn't cheat on him, if it would even count as cheating since we weren't exactly completely together. I can't tell him what really happened. I can't tell a soul. I don't know what he'd do but somebody would get hurt, that's for sure.

I try to make him think it was all just me being an irresponsible adult, but for some reason, he fails to believe it. He knows me too well and honestly, I wouldn't believe me either. I'm such a bad liar. Hopefully he'll get over this, though, and start talking to me again.


He stares at his phone, paying me no mind.


Still no answer.

"ED, look at me." I demand, snatching the phone from his hand.

"What the fuck, Taylor?" he says, standing up.

"You HAVE to talk to me. You know I'd never do that you-"



"Give me my phone back."


"I said give it back."

"Not until you listen to me."

Ed lunges for the phone in my hand but I hold it back.


"Don't talk to me like that", I say, the words barely escaping my lips.

He pushes me against a wall and squeezes my wrist.

"Give it back now", he says through clenched teeth, his grip getting tighter and tighter every second. I gasp then drop the phone on the ground for Ed to retrieve. My wrist hurts and looking down at it, I can still see the scars. I look back up to Ed with tears in my eyes. He's staring at my red wrist. He looks up at me for a second with what looks like remorse, but he storms off just as quick.

I run up to my room in tears. I lock myself in and just sit on the bed rocking myself. Then my mind goes back to that night. The night everything went unbelievably wrong....



And I'm gonna have to stop right there but I'll update soon.


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