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"What's up?"

We stared at each other for a while before Ed let me in.

"So, we're totally cool now?"

"Yea, I mean its no big deal. It was a mistake."

"Yea, mistake", I mumbled quietly under my breath. I sat down, Ed watching every move I made.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom right quick", he said setting his phone on the counter.


I sat there for what seemed like forever. Why is it taking so long? Boys pee fast. Or maybe he's....ew. Still deep in my thoughts, I suddenly hear music playing. I look around and see Ed's screen glowing.

'So don't you worry your pretty little mind. People throw rocks at things that shine and life makes love look hard. The stakes are high, the water's rough, but this love is Ours.'

Ugh, so annoying. I let it ring but it starts all over again. I pick up his phone and see its Taylor calling. So that's his ringtone for her. I see his icon for her is a picture of them snuggling backstage. Ew. A pang of jealousy comes over me and I call his phone, eager for the results.

All I get is the standard marimba ringtone and my album cover. What about that picture we took when we were on the couch watching movies a few weeks ago? I change my profile picture to that and before I change the ringtone, I notice a new text from Taylor:

'Hey love, call me later I wanna talk xx'

I look at the screen, becoming a bit hot. Then I make a huge mistake.


"Hey Tay."

"Who's this?"

"Ellie, as in Ed's friend Ellie." I hear silence on the other line, as if she were frozen on the other end.

"Where's Ed?"

"He's in the bathroom, we're kind of busy right now so I suggest you call back later."


"You ready to have some fun, love?" Ed says, coming into the living room.

"Um I gotta go. It was nice speaking to you, bye."

Then I hung up.

"What were you doing with my phone?", he asked me in a curious tone.

"I had to call my mum right quick, if you don't mind."

"Oh, no its fine. But what's wrong with your phone?"

"Dead", was all I said.

"Oh, okay." He checked his phone and saw the missed calls from Taylor and the text message and he smiled.

"You know Taylor called?"

"Nope, I was in the kitchen for a while and didn't hear it ring."

"Well I'll just call her later then, ready to go?"

"Where are we going?"

"Just out, come on."

I got up and walked with him out the door, not yet feeling the overwhelming guilt that would overcome me later....



~Taylor's Point of View~

I froze. I could see a flood of memories coming back to me. That night on the bus with Ed. Me calling Harry. Me getting angry and walking away. Ed coming after me, comforting me, and actually making me feel better. Our first kiss. I start crying into my hands. All of a sudden sadness turns to anger and I throw my phone across the room, screaming at myself for being so stupid and naive. I walk out the door and find myself going nowhere. Then I remember there's no one to stop me this time and to tell me its okay. I slide down the wall and cry some more. Slowly but surely, I'd watched it Begin Again.




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