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Thank you guys so much! They were all great names and I had a hard time choosing but yea thanks!

I also love the nice comments, I practically feed off them. Whenever you say you love my story I feel fuzzy inside lol. But yea, you're all little meatballs full of niceness :) xx


Taylor continues her tour in February at the 02 in London. While she's there, her and Ed plan a nice visit to his parents' house.

"Ed, I think it's showing." Taylor says, referring to her stomach.

"Yea, a little bit", he smiles.

"Awe, Ed feels like a daddy!" she teases.

"Shut up, Taylor", he replies playfully.

"Ed, to the stage!", some guy calls.

"Thanks for coming back, Ed." Taylor says, hugging him tight.

"Well, I'm here. Might as well." They end their hug and Ed makes his way to the stage to perform his set for the first time since September.


The show goes great, especially EHC. It brings memories back to both Ed and Taylor. Beautiful memories :)

But then it's time for Club RED.

"Taylor, can we get a picture please?!", they say in their cute British accents. Of course, they all get one.

"Can you sign this?", a little girl about 9 years old asks her.

"Mhm, what's your name sweetheart?" Taylor smiles.


"Here you go Beth!" Taylor says, giving her picture back.

"One more thing...."

"Yes, sweetie?" she says, taking a sip of her water.

"Are you having a baby?"

Taylor's eyes go wide as she chokes on her water.


"Are you pregnant, Tay?" she asks again, now with a worried look.

"Um, what makes you think that?" Taylor says, trying to avoid answering the question.

"You've got a small bump, like my mommy did when she was having another baby."

Taylor didn't like lying to her fans but she didn't want anyone to know yet either.

"Come here", she whispers softly to the girl. She takes her to an empty corner where no one could hear them.

"I'm gonna tell you a secret, but you have to promise not to tell ANYONE."

Beth's eyes go wide and she nods furiously.

"Me and Ed are having a baby", she whispers into Bethany's ears. Almost instantly, the 9 year old starts screaming and jumping up and down, causing everyone to look their way.

"Shh shhh", Taylor exclaims quietly.

"It's just an autograph, calm down cupcake!" she giggles, covering up the girl's screams. Mostly everyone's attention slips away, but others keep staring. Taylor gets on the little girl's level and says again, "PLEASE do not tell a single soul. Not your mommy or daddy or friends or ANYONE. It's gonna be a surprise."

Little Bethany pinky swears she won't tell and skips off to her mother.

"Time to go, Tay", Ed calls from outside the door.

"Thanks everyone for coming to the show, I love you!" she says as she hugs each and every one of her swifties goodbye.

After all the fans leave, Taylor and Ed make their way to the hotel they're sharing for the night.

"Ready for tomorrow?", Ed asks.

"Excited", she replies with a smile.


The next day, they visit the Sheeran's house.

"Taylor! We've missed you!", Imogen exclaims when she and Ed arrive at the door.

"Hey Mrs. Sheeran!"

"Hello mum."

"Ed, honey, how are you?"

"I'm fine", he replies.

"Come in, come in!"

They walk into a pretty, clean house that smells awfully good.

"What's cooking mum? And where's dad?"

"He went off to the store right quick but he'll be back. And it's just a little something for dinner. I was wondering if Taylor could help me with the cake, since she's so great at baking", she winks.

"Of course, I'd love to!", Taylor says excitedly.

Ed's dad comes through the door.

"John, Taylor and Ed are here!"

He comes in and sits on the couch with them where they talk about how they're doing and stuff.

Ed clears his throat, "So, um...we wanted to tell you something"

"What is it?" Taylor gave a look that said, 'What the hell are you doing? Shut up.'

"Uh...w-we're having-"

"Ed! Is there any more tea? Let's go see." then she pulled him into the kitchen.

"Why'd you do that Taylor?"

"Why did you do that?"

"I was gonna tell them!"

"You can't!"

"Why not?"

"Ed....I'm so sorry." all of a sudden she was in tears.

"What's wrong?"

"It might not be yours...."




 I feel like my writing is suffering terribly but whatever, I had to get this up.

:) smile


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