Chapter One

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I  had been married to Jeremy for over four years now, and I could hardly believe it. Annie was now three years old, and she was so much like her dad it was something.

Life had been good to us, Jeremy getting more movies and I had become a popular stuntwoman, and it was paying well. We had a good time doing what we loved, as well as taking care of Annie who was just adorable.
Annie, had been enrolled in dance class now, and she was loving it, and it gave Jeremy and I time to do our own thing. I was planning on opening a dance studio, and Jeremy and I were a pretty good team. He had his music as his hobby, and I had dance.

"Annie, let's go! Time to go to dance."

"Coming, momma!"

It didn't take long for her to come running out of her room, with her dance bag in hand.

"Is daddy coming?"

"He's going to meet us there."

Annie smiled, as she and I headed out to the jeep and loaded up. It took us about thirty minutes to get there with the L.A. traffic, and Annie and I sang along to the radio as we drove.

Annie went straight to dance class, as Jeremy was running late, and I went ahead and headed into our reserved studio, and began practicing. I had a big fight scene that I was working on, so I went through it, on my own. I had my headphones on, so I didn't even know that Jeremy had walked it. I only noticed when I did a flip with a turn, and came face to face with my husband.

"Oh, hi."

I said as I pulled my headphones out.

"Hi, to you too. I like the scene. It's coming together nicely."

"Thanks. I go shoot it, Monday."

"Can I come watch?"

I laughed, as I walked over to give him a kiss.

"It's for your music video."

"Oh, that's right."

He said with a grin.

"You ready to do the whole thing?"

"Ready when you are, Rowan."

"Then, let's get down to business."

He and I took our places, and started the song. We were both staring in his video, and we were on opposite sides in the video, and this was our epic ending. We'd fight, he'd pin me down, and we'd make out as the video faded out.

I thought it was pretty great, since I was his wife after all. So did all of our friends, and Jeremy was all for it.

Even our costumes were amazing, and I was so happy that Jeremy was giving me the chance to do this.

"Why don't we cool down, with a slow dance?"

"Sure, baby. I like that idea..." I replied with a smile as we changed the music and began to waltz. That was our way of relaxing and we still had a really good time doing it.

Jeremy and I made a really good team, and we had a lot of fun. Annie was still in dance class, so we had time to spend together. We had both been so busy with our jobs, that it was nice to get to spend some time alone together.

"Oh, Annie is spending the weekend with Scarlett this weekend, so she and Rose and play."

"That sounds wonderful. We can have a romantic weekend."

"Maybe, handsome. We will just have to wait and see what happens."

"Well, I'm looking forward to it."

We dropped Annie off at Scarlett's after her dance class and headed home to get cleaned up, before we figured out how we would spend our evening. Jeremy knew what he wanted to do, and I wasn't against spending the evening in bed, but I also wanted do something a little more productive.

In the end, Jeremy won, and I had a very interesting evening for sure.

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