Chapter Thirteen

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It took three days of misery before Jeremy was back on his feet and up to actually going out. We all got ready, and headed downstairs were a car was waiting for us.
Despite being married to Jeremy and working on television shows I was still not used to being in the spot light. It was just way too strange to me, and Annie was terrified about all the photographers.

"Jeremy, do we have ample security this trip?"

"Of course we do. Don't worry, we will be perfectly safe."

"Wonderful... I want to take Annie to the zoo, and then maybe a carriage ride through Central Park?"

"I think that would be a perfect day. First stop, the Bronx Zoo."

I smiled, as I got Annie all settled in while Jeremy made sure the stroller got in the car. Annie loved to walk but I knew that she was going to be exhausted not even half way through the zoo trip.

"Mommy, where are we going?"

"We are going to go to the zoo."

"That sounds fun."

"I sure hope so, darling."

I sat next to Jeremy, as he wrapped an arm around my waist.

"I have a surprise for you today, Jeremy... And I really hope that you like it."

"I'm sure I will. If you planned it, I know you will."

I couldn't wait for him to see the surprise I had, and I knew that he would have a reaction that would be amazing. It was going to be hard to keep this secret any longer.

We got to the zoo and I had a nanny on standby to take Annie out to look at the animals while I pulled Jeremy to the side, where it was private.

"Okay, I can't wait to tell you any longer...."

"What in the world are you planning?"

"Reach into my coat pocket..."


Jeremy's P.O.V

I did as Rowan asked and when I did I felt a photo in her pocket.

"What is this?"

"Just look, darling."

Rowan had a grin on her face, as I did so. I looked at the photo that I pulled out of her pocket and it wasn't just any ordinary photo.... it was a sonogram.

"Does this mean?"

"Yes it does."

"You're pregnant.... We are going to have another baby."

"Yes we are going to have another baby."

I threw my arms around Rowan, and she just started crying. I did too and to be honest it had caught me off guard. We had been trying for months, but with no success until now.

"I'm so happy, Rowan... So happy."

"Me too, darling... Me too."

"When did you find out?"

"Before we left... It was a surprise since I haven't been sick at all."

"How far along are you?"
"I believe the doctor said about three months.... So I should start showing before long."

"We are going to have another baby.... I can't believe it."

"Me either, darling... But I am so excited..."

"I'm so happy.... But we had better go catch up with Annie. She's going to be looking for us, before long."

"Indeed she is... Come on, my love."

Rowan grabbed my hand and pulled me along with her. This was some of the best news that I could have gotten.

We spent a wonderful day at the zoo, and Annie was having the best time ever. I could tell that Rowan was tired, and I knew part of that was my fault and partly because she was pregnant. What was going to be interesting, was telling Annie that she was going to be a big sister.

We had stopped to eat, and I could tell both of my girls were tired.
"Annie, your mom and I have something we would like you to know."

"What is it, Daddy?"

I looked over at Rowan and she just nodded with a smile.

"You are going to be a big sister."
Her face light up, and she had the biggest grin on her face.

"I am? Momma's going to have a baby?"

"Yes, darling she is. Are you excited?"

"Yes. I want a baby sister."

Rowan laughed as she pulled Annie onto her lap.

"Well, what if the baby ends up being a boy?"

"Then.... I don't know, Momma."

"You will love the baby no matter what."

"Yes, Momma."

That went easier than I had expected, but I was happy that Annie was just as excited as us.

After lunch we took the carriage ride through the park, but little Annie was so worn out, she fell asleep just minutes into the ride.

"This means you are going to have to take time off from doing stunt work."
"I know... I just hope I didn't do anything to the baby seeing as I have been working lately."

"What did the doctor say?"

"She said that I was healthy, and so was the baby."

"Then I don't think you have anything to worry about."

"I sure hope that is the case... I'm excited, but I'm also scared."


"Because we still haven't found out what is causing you to be sick, and then the fact I have a three almost four year old, and am expecting another baby..."

"Rowan, we will both be fine. We were last time, and I know you are going to do amazing."

She smiled, before giving me a kiss.
"Just promise me, that you won't be out of town filming another movie when I go into labor."

"I promise, I'll stick close to home on this one. I know that you'll need more help around the house and with Annie."

"Yes I will.... I'll need a lot of help."

I smiled as I wrapped my arms around my wife.

"This is the best news in the world, Rowan...."

"I'm glad you're happy about it. I just didn't know how to tell you."

"I think I found out in a wonderful way."

"I'm glad."

Rowan and I talked about things, while we got to ride through Central Park. It was a wonderful day, and when we returned to the hotel, it continued to be an amazing day.

Rowan's P.O.V

Now that I knew I was pregnant, I had to be even more careful about what I ate, and what I was around. I didn't want to take any risks, not now. After waiting for months to find out I was pregnant again.

The night I told Jeremy, he held me while we slept, and he kept a hand on my stomach. It was really a sweet gesture on his part. Jeremy was an amazing father to Annie, and I could hardly wait for this baby to come into the world.

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