Chapter Fourteen

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I woke up extremely early the next morning, and I was so sick to my stomach. I slipped out of bed, leaving Jeremy still asleep, and heading straight for the bathroom.

I spent the next half hour throwing up everything I had eaten the previous day. By the time I was done, I was exhausted, and didn't have anything left on my stomach.

I managed to drag myself back to bed, and curl up next to Jeremy.

"Babe, are you feeling okay?"

"Not exactly. I just threw up everything I ate yesterday..."

"I'm sorry. Why didn't you wake me?"
"You need the rest, and I have done this before... Our new baby is finally wreaking my stomach.... And here I was hoping I wouldn't have to deal with morning sickness."

"I'm sorry, love. I was hoping you wouldn't have to deal with this again. I know how tough it was when you were pregnant with Annie."

"I'd rather not think about that... I'm still queasy."


"It's okay... can we sleep a little longer?"

"Of course, Rowan... And please wake me if you need anything."

"I...will... I love you."

"I love you, too."

It didn't take me long to fall back asleep, seeing as my body was exhausted.

Jeremy's P.O.V

Rowan fell asleep in moments. I knew that she needed the rest, and I was determined to stay awake knowing that she would need me if she got sick again.

It was very exciting knowing that we were going to have another baby, but it was also going to be a lot of stress on Rowan. I had a feeling that we were in for a very long road ahead of us.

I finally got up after a few hours, when I could hear Annie playing in the main room of the suite.

"Annie, are you hungry?"

"Yes, Daddy... Where's Mommy?"

"Mommy is sleeping, she needs the rest."


Annie seemed a little confused, seeing as Rowan was usually up before us getting things ready.

"She will be up soon. Now what should we order for breakfast?"

"Waffles, and bacon."

"That sounds perfect. Now why don't you go see your mom, while I order breakfast."

"Okay, Daddy. I will."

I smiled giving my daughter a hug before she went to go climb in bed with Rowan. Annie could be a daddy's girl, but she adored Rowan. She and Annie had such a bond, unlike one I had seen in a very long time.

I was blessed with a wonderful life, and an amazing wife and daughter. I couldn't wait to see what our future held, with the new baby...

Maybe I was daydreaming a bit, but I knew life could only get better from here.

Rowan's P.O.V

I woke up to Annie snuggling up to me.

"Good morning, darling."

"Hi mommy... Are you okay?"

"I'm just tired, Annie. Did you and daddy order breakfast?"


"What did you talk him into?"

"Waffles and bacon..."

"Wonderful. Now how about we just stay in bed until the food gets here?"

"I like that idea."

"Me too, Annie. Me too."

My little girl was soon fast asleep next to me, and I was cherishing the moments that she was still willing to hang out with me. Annie was growing up before my eyes, and with a new baby on the way, I was going to be extremely busy. Made me even more thankful for all the support Jeremy gave me.

I managed to eat a little for breakfast, before dragging myself to get a shower. The trip had been off to an interesting start, and this was just one more thing we didn't need.We had about nine days left on our trip, and I was determined to make the best out of the time we had left.

"Rowan, are you alright?"

"Fine, darling. Tired, but I'll be alright."
"Okay... I'll get Annie ready for the day, and perhaps we can go out for a few hours."
"I'd like that. I want to take Annie ice skating, and shopping."

"I'll arrange all of that. Don't worry about rushing."

"Thank you, my darling."

I left Jeremy and Annie eating breakfast, and I proceeded to go get a shower, and managed to make myself look human again. I wanted this trip to be special, seeing as Annie wasn't going to be an only child for much longer. Plus, our little girl was growing up way too fast for my liking. She was an amazing little girl, and honestly one of the best things that had ever happened. Having Annie was a blessing that brought Jeremy and I closer together, and really made our marriage stronger.

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