Chapter Twenty Three

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Rowan and I spent some time just talking before she was ready to get out of bed, and get on with the day. Annie was busy playing in the living room, and immediately ran to give Rowan a big hug, when she saw her.
"Momma, we got to go explore at the lake! I want to go again tomorrow. Will you go with us?"
"I think I can do that. I'm glad you had fun, Annie. And that you like it here."
"I do!"
Annie dashed back to go play, while Rowan and I headed into the kitchen to see if we could come up with something to have for lunch.
"Rowan, any idea what sounds good for lunch? I know that you aren't having the easiest time when it comes to food lately."
"I don't know. I know that Annie will want a ham and cheese sandwich, but as for me, I really don't care. Maybe some soup and crackers. I don't want to overload my system at the moment."
"I think we can manage that. I'll see what we have in the pantry, and we can get lunch started."
Rowan's P.O.V
I couldn't help but smile as Jeremy insisted on getting my lunch. I got busy making Annie's lunch, knowing that our spunky little girl would burst into the kitchen before too much longer.
It was surreal, that Annie was three, almost four, and we were going to be having another baby. Never in a million years would I have expected to be married, with one child, and another on the way. Let alone be married to Jeremy. It still surprised me, how life loves to throw curve balls, but honestly, I wouldn't change any of it. My life was different, but I loved every second of it, and I was blessed to be where I was in life.
"Rowan, do you want to come back to Earth here?"
"Sorry honey, just daydreaming a little."
"That's not so horrible, but your lunch is ready. Why don't you go sit down, and I will see if I can talk Annie into leaving her toys long enough to come eat lunch."
"Fine, but good luck with Annie. She is very invested with her toys at the moment."
"True, but I think I can talk her into coming to have lunch with us."
"I'm sure you can, darling."
I smiled as I headed to the table, and Jeremy headed into the living room to go get Annie. For once the smell of food was actually pleasant, and I didn't want to gag. This baby was wrecking my sense of good food, and I could hardly wait to be able to eat normally again.
It didn't take long before Annie burst into the kitchen with Jeremy right behind her. I smiled as my family sat down at the table, and proceeded to have lunch together. I was able to eat my whole bowl of soup, and it was a wonderful change since food was not my friend lately.
"Annie, you're going to need a nap this afternoon. You've had a busy morning."
"Do I have to?"
"Okay, Momma."
We put our dirty dishes away, and Annie and I headed to her room. I got her all tucked in with her stuffed animals, and kissed her forehead.
"Sweet dreams, little one. Your dad and I will be just down the hall."
"Thank you, momma."
I smiled as I shut her door, and headed back to the kitchen. Annie had always been so good about taking naps, I had to hope that this baby would be too. I needed all the sleep I could get lately.
"Annie's down for her nap."
"That was quick."
"Usually is. Our little girl isn't so little any more."
Jeremy smiled with a nod as he came and put his arms around my waist and I relaxed into his touch.
"Now, what are we going to do with you this afternoon?"
"Curl up on the sofa with me?"
"I think we can manage that."
I couldn't help but smile as Jeremy swept me off of my feet and carried me over to the sofa. It was so nice to just have some quiet time with my husband. It didn't happen too much lately. Not with a toddler in the house and a new baby on the way.
"Rowan, where on earth is your brain today?"
"Just daydreaming about what it will be like to have two children in our house. The days of getting to sleep in will be gone for sure."
"True. I had been getting used to Annie sleeping past eight in the morning."
"Well as soon as the baby is born, we are going to be up every few hours, whether we like it or not."
"I remember well with Annie. Also, are you planning on having this baby at home too?"
"I think so... but I'm not sure yet. I may just do a natural birth at a birthing center just in case."
"As long as you and the baby are safe and healthy, I'll be by your side no matter what."
"Thank you, Jeremy."
"I love you, Rowan."

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