Chapter Five

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I stayed with Jeremy while he rested, and called Ming-na to let her know how things were going.

"Hey, how's Jeremy doing?"

"He's resting now. He lost a lot of blood, but he's going to be okay."

"That's good to hear. Do they know what happened?"

"The doctor said he had some kind of allergic reaction. Other than that we aren't really sure."

"That's not good... Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Nothing at the moment, but thank you. I'm just worried and tired."

"I know, and I'm sure things will be okay. Let me know if there is anything I can do. I'll come by the hospital, on my way back from the studio. I'll bring you dinner."

"Thanks, Ming-na. You are too sweet."

"I'll see you in a few hours. Be safe."

"You too."

I hung up, and went back to waiting. Jeremy would be out for a while longer, so I decided I'd go get a change of clothes, I kept in the car. I was still in the shield uniform as I walked down the halls. I smiled when people noticed me, but when I got down to the lobby one of the nurses stopped me.

"Excuse me, but do you work for Marvel?"

"Yes I do."

"I'm Suri. I'm one of the nurses on the children's wards."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Rowan."

She smiled with a nod.

"Would you mind coming and saying hi to two teenagers? They love everything Marvel, and would be thrilled to meet an agent of shield."

I smiled, and nodded knowing it would make their day, so how could I say no.

"Of course I can. I'd be more than happy to do it."
"Thank you. I hope it's not too much trouble."

"It's not. I'm just here visiting my husband. He's resting now, so I have some free time."

"Oh I'm sorry he's ill, but thank you."

"You're welcome."

I followed the young nurse, to the elevators and then to the ward where she worked.

"The teens are Finn, and Samantha. They have become good friends since being here. I think you'll make their day."

"I hope so."

She showed me where I could wait, while she went to see the kids first. She soon came and got me.

"They're in Finn's room and are really excited."

I smiled as I followed her. I entered the room, and smiled seeing the two teens.

"Hi guys. I'm Rowan."

"I'm Finn, she's Sam."

"I'm happy to meet you two. I heard you are fans of Marvel."

They both nodded, and Sam spoke.

"Yes. I love the Avengers movies, and Finn loves the TV show, agents of shield."

I smiled, as I sat down in a chair across from them.

"So, Finn, who's your favorite Agent?"

"Coulson, or May. I really like both of them. Do you know them?"

"Yes I do. I work with them, and Daisy."

"Really? That's so cool."

I smiled, before turning to Sam.
"Sam, who's your favorite Avenger?"

"I don't have a favorite..."


She nodded, and Finn rolled his eyes.

"She's in love with Hawkeye."

I giggled, and smiled. If they only knew...

"Me too. He's a pretty awesome Avenger. So is Black Widow though."

"That's true."

I stayed and talked with them for over an hour, before having to go meet Ming-na at my jeep.

"Thank you for coming, Rowan."

"Sure thing guys. What if I come back in a couple days, and see if I can bring some of my friends with me?"

"Could you?"

"Sure. I'll arrange it all with Suri."

"Thank you."

We took a few pictures before I left. I found Suri, on my way out.

"Thank you again, Rowan."

"It was my pleasure. What if I bring some of their favorite hero's next time?"
"That would be wonderful... How could you get?"

"I think I could get Chris Evens, Ming-na Wen, and maybe Scarlett Johanson, and Jeremy Renner."

"Seriously? You know all of them?"

"I do. It helps when you're married to an Avenger."


"I'll let you know, when we come. We should be able to come in a few days."

"Thank you, so much."

"I'm happy to help. I'll be in touch."

I walked out of the hospital with a smile on my face, as I went to meet with Ming-na.

"What are you smiling about?"

"I spent some time with two teens, who are sick. I want to do something special for them and the rest of the kids."

"When and where?"
She'd read my mind.

"Three days, in uniform at the children's ward."

"I'll be there, and I'll bring some badges, and things."

"Thank you, and I'll round up Chris and Scarlett and get them in on this."

"That would be awesome."

"It will be."

I thanked her for bringing the food, and I eat in my jeep before grabbing a change of clothes, and went back to sit with Jeremy. I began making arrangements for our surprise as soon as I got back to his room. Jeremy wanted to be in on it as well, and it was exciting. It didn't matter that this was so last minute. We just wanted to make some kids happy, and know we did some good.

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