Chapter Twenty Two

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Rowan's P.O.V

I don't remember ever being so sick when I was pregnant with Annie. I was hoping that this time it would be smooth sailing, but I was wrong. I spent most of the morning on the bathroom floor. I knew it would only last for a little while, but still it was miserable.

At the same time, no one could figure out what was causing Jeremy to pass out or have blackouts, so I still worried every time he went out on his own. I knew I was just a phone call away, but life loved to throw curve balls at us it seemed.

Once I managed to get off the floor, I headed into the kitchen to make some tea. I let the dogs back in from the backyard, and soon regretted allowing them back in the house, seeing as they tracked in mud on my tile floor. I didn't have the energy to clean it up so back to bed I went. The dogs were curled up at the foot of the bed, and I decided to just turn the tv on for noise. As much as I hated the noise of Los Angeles, it was almost too quiet for me. I needed something to do, before I went crazy. I was hoping to get some rest before Jeremy and Annie returned from their adventure to the lake. It was going to be good for Annie to have one on one time with both of us, because once the baby was born, things were going to get super crazy.

Jeremy's P.O.V

Annie and I spent several hours down by the lake. She was loving that she could explore, and spend time outdoors. In LA we didn't get that luxury with all of the photographers following us around hoping to get photos to sell.

"Annie, why don't we go back to the house and see how your mom is doing?"

"Okay, Daddy. Can we come back and do this tomorrow?"

"I think we can do that. Perhaps your mom will be up to joining us tomorrow."

Annie just grinned as she walked back with me to the four by four. It was a quick ride back to the house, and as soon as we got there, Annie dashed into the house to go play.

I smiled, as I picked up her coat and hung it up, before heading to the bedroom to check on Rowan.

I couldn't help but smile as I walked into the bedroom to find Rowan curled up in bed with the dogs.

"How'd Annie do?"

"She did well. She wants to go back out to the lake tomorrow."

Rowan smiled, as she moved to sit up.
"That's good, I'm glad she had a fun time."

"And what about you? Did you manage to survive without me?"

"Other than having to get myself up off the bathroom floor, I think I did okay."

"Rowan, you should have called. I would have come back to help you."

"I know, but Annie needs to have alone time with her dad. I managed, and I don't want to do it again."

"I don't blame you, but if it happens again, call me to come help."

"I will, I promise. It's just so far this pregnancy has been harder than when I was pregnant with Annie."

"I know, but you have to remember that you have a child running around that needs you, and you are wearing yourself out more."

Rowan just sighed and shook her head.
"Yeah, and I'm not as young as I was when I was pregnant with Annie."

"True, but you are going to do just fine this time."

"I know, it's just exhausting. I'm just glad that we don't have too much to do at the moment."

"Me too. I'm glad we came up here instead of staying in the city for a while. It will be good for us to get away from all the craziness."

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