Chapter Sixteen

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The next few days were filled with interviews, and long days. I did my best to keep up with everything that we had to do, but having Annie with us, as well as just not feeling my best, it made it hard.

Jeremy was still insisting that we go home early, and I was starting to give in. I was so ready to be home in my own house, and not have to worry if I got sick or not. We had decided to try and keep the pregnancy as quiet as we could, until we knew it was going to be safe. I had a feeling that this pregnancy was not going to be an easy one on me, and that had me slightly worried about it. I wanted this baby, as much as Jeremy did and even little Annie was excited, so I had to be extra careful.

"Rowan... Where are you?"

"Hmm... Sorry, Jeremy. I guess my mind was wandering again."

"You are too busy worrying about everything... you need to relax a little."

I sighed, as I watched Jeremy come into the bedroom.

"I know... but I am honestly scared, Jeremy. What if something goes wrong? What if I can't carry this baby, like I did Annie? Did any of that ever cross your mind?"

"Of course it has... but I try not to dwell on the what if's, and just focus on the good things. You're healthy, and so is the baby... so what is there to worry about right now?"

"I don't know. I just..."

He quickly came over to sit next to me, and pulled me into a hug. I just curled into him, seeking comfort.

"Everything is going to be just fine, Rowan.... I am taking you and Annie home tonight... this city is too much stress on you."


I didn't fight it. I wanted to be home, and wanted it more than I ever thought I would. I needed to get my mind under control and know that I was going to be okay, and so was the baby. The more stress I had, the worse off I was going to be, so home would be a very good thing.


Jeremy's P.O.V

Rowan was sick the whole flight home. Thankfully we had taken a private plane, but still it was hard seeing her like that.
Annie slept most of the way, so I could worry about Rowan. She was more pale than I had seen her in a while, and that had me worried.

"We are taking you to the doctor as soon as we get home..."

"Jer, I am going to be fine... just need to drink more."

"That would be good, if you could keep it down, but you can't."

"Fine... I just..."

Rowan was cut off by another wave of nausea, that hit her hard. I did my best to keep her calm, and just held her close. She eventually fell asleep, about an hour before we landed.

"Annie, Uncle Joe is going to take you to see Aunt Scarlett. I need to take care of your Mom."

"Okay, Daddy... will Mommy be okay?"

"Yes she will, sweetheart."


Annie was all ready to go the moment we landed, and ran down the sets towards Joe.
"I'll keep an eye on her. Just keep me updated on Rowan, she's like my kid sister."

"I will. Thank you, Joe."

"Of course."

He left with a very talkative Annie, while I waited with Rowan until the paramedics arrived. I knew that was the best thing for her, and as much as it pained me to let them take her, I had to. I followed behind a short time later once I had gotten all of our things loaded into the car.

The drive to the hospital was one that I hated making, every time I'd had to. Rowan was going to be okay... she had to be. 

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