Prepare for the worst (Chapter 2)

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   "Now its time! For you to have dinner." Uhhhh what? He really feeds us and is going to use us as his toys? He really sees us as animals who he can toy around with. He disgusts me.

   "Earth people!" Does he really have to call us that? "Cara will lead you to the dining-room." And who is Cara?

   I see the girl, I saw before, walking towards us. Note to myself: The girl with the fake blue hair and small clothes is Cara.

   "Follow," was all she said and she started walking towards a gate which was on the south side. I look at Liam who was standing next to me and he looks at me. He shrugs and we start walking side by side after the girl, the others from our team following us.

   "So what's your name?" Liam whispered to me. "Kat" I whisper back. I don't like my full name. Kat is more simple and effective. Yeah it could be my fighting name!... What am I thingking?! This isn't a game Kat!

   "I'm Liam," he whispers back. Like I would need introductions, but- "Nice to meet you Liam," I reach out my hand so he could shake it. He takes it and we shake hands. It is probably annoying when everyone knows your name and they are like 'yeah I know you are Liam Payne'.

   I look at his face for the first time. I can't hold down a gasp. His cheek was swollen but he just smiles at me. I guess he didn't let himself be abducted without a fight. I smile back at him. His facial expression suddenly changes and he grabs my arm and pulls me close to his body. What the-? I look on my right. There is a black plant, that looks like a cactus, on my path. If he wouldn't have pulled me against him I would have pumped into that massive plant that looks even poisonous. I shiver my shoulders. We had stopped and so had everyone behind us because the corridor is really narrow and two people can only walk side by side.

   "Come!" Cara's voice echoes in the corridor. I can't even see her anymore. There is some loud noises like somebody is opening a big heavy metal door. The sudden lightness blinds me. I will become blind if these flashes keep coming out of nowhere!

   Still holding my hand, Liam starts leading us towards the lightness. My steps are shaky and I'm not sure if I'm stepping or Liam is carrying me just by holding my arm.

   We reach the door and as soon as I get used to the brightness my mouth drops open. This is a Dark World dining-room? I let my eyes wonder on the long white wood table. My gaze moves onto the brown chairs around it, to the crystal chandelier above the centre of the table. There are tables full of different color foods against the walls. The windows are from the floor to the ceiling, letting in the light yellow sunlight. These creatures have style.

   The girl turns to us, we all probably look like a group of dummies who have never seen a room before. "Eat and then the servants will lead you to your rooms." I can hear the same clearness and plainness in her voice as The Man has. She turns to her left and leaves through another metal door.

   We stand there for a moment, letting the situation sink in.

   "Lets dig in!" Niall steps to a table and gets himself a clean plate. The others follow him, I join them last. Do they even have real food?

   I see a fruit-bowl like plate filled with food that's is brightly colored. I wonder how that purple thing tastes like. I grab it with my hand. It's round like an apple. Like a huge blackberry. I take some other colors like green and blue and red and pink of the round balls and find a seat. I sit between Liam and that other guy and I'm opposite Niall. Wow men are around me... I can make a wish!

   We have all sat down around the table and were just looking at our food. I look up at Niall and he looks at me, sensing my look. I don't turn my look away. I look into his bright blue eyes, hoping to find some emotions like fear and confusion. But he looks more interested in if the food is poisoned.

   Harry clears his throat "Well, bon appetit." He looks at all our faces. His eyes staying longer on his bandmates. I take a breath and raise the blue apple to my mouth. Everyone are afraid to take the first bite. I look around and see eyes on me. Are they looking if I die from the first bite?

   I look at Niall for encouragement. He is staring at me like the others. Well here goes nothing. I shut my eyes tightly, not wanting to see my end coming, and open my mouth. I bring the blue food closer to my mouth and a bite it. I chew and let myself adjust the taste and the juice starts coming from the fruit. It tastes... like a big blueberry. I open my eyes and look at Niall who is still looking back at me. I lower the food while still chewing on my first bite. I look at Zayn, who is sitting on Niall's left hand. He is holding his breath. I swallow. I swear you can cut the tense in this room with a knife!

"Well" Louis starts "what did it taste like?"

I look at Lou, "It tastes good."

"Yay!" Niall cheers. I cant help but laugh. That Irishboy has won my heart before we even met. He is my fave out of five of them. I am a Niam girl, who hips them as brothers, so I can't help but feel like the little fangirl everytime I look at them.

   After I approved the food they all started eating. I ate the blueberry taste apple and then the other ones. Purple tasted like plum, red was like and ordinary apple, pink tasted like oreo biscuits, which surprised me, a lot, and green was like sour apples. I liked the pink ones the best. I take a sip of the uncolored drink and find out its like normal tap water. Yay! At least something that isn't strange!

   When we were done eating we started to get to know each other. It's not like we are fighting against each other.

   "I'm Louis and I hate carrots and pigeons," Louis gives us his best smile. We did the game that the teachers do when they get a new class, say your name and something about yourself. I hold down my giggle.

   "I'm Harry and I like playing golf," it was Harry's turn, who was on Louis' left hand.

   "I'm Liam and I have two older sisters." I wonder why they don't just tell that they are in the band called One Direction.

   "Kat?" Liam interrupts my thought.

   "Oh yeah. My name's Kat and I love to dance" I accidentally forget to add 'in my room when nobody is watching'.

   "My name is Marcus and I am a professional runner" the guy on my left is Marcus. Note to myself: The other guy is Marcus and he is a runner and brave, he might be trouble.

   "Hi, my name is Lisa" the long fake blonde haired girl flashes a white pearl smile to the boys, "and I'm a model." No way you are kidding! 

   "I'm Karen and I am a model also" the brunet next to her smiles. And then they both giggle and look at each other. I think they are besties, or even if they aren't they will become very soon. I'll make another note to myself: dont get too close with the people on your team. I will probably lose all of them anyway.

   "Hi, I'm Lily and I love animals," the next brown haired girl is shyer. I like that girl. I also love animals and she looks like she isn't full of herself.

   "Ello, I'm Luna and I was in university learning to be a doctor." Okay I might be friendly with Lily and Luna. They remind me of my friends back home... Aghh I almost forgot my last note for myself but notes are just suggestions, not laws, right?

   "Hi, I'm Niall and I like strumming my guitar," Niall smiles to us. Awwh that perfect little snowflake!

   "I'm Zayn and I have a dog with my girlfriend. Our puppy is named Hatchi." Awwh Zerrie!

   "That is just adorable!" Louis pats Zayn's shoulder maybe acting like he didn't know that before. I laugh lightly.

   Bam! The door flies open.

   I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack.

[EDITING]Battle for Life and Death (One Direction fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now