You cant change yourself (Chapter 6)

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After crying for what seemed like hours I once again take a shower. I feel like the water flows away all my problems. Like nothing can hurt me, I can make my decisions by myself and luck will be on my side. I know that it actually isnt like that but water just cools me down and makes me a little happier. Maybe because Im a cancer? It doesnt matter.

After the shower I just sit on the bath edge, a towel wrapped around my body.

I need to get myself together. I need to start training till I lost conscious. I need to get in shape before they command us to battle with one of those though looking opponents. I dont have any chances right now with my body and attitude.

I need to block all my feelings and concentrate on working out. 

I breathe out, feeling how emotions get out of me. Or did I just imagine that?

I stand up, walking into the bedroom and getting some new clothes and then walking back to the bathroom, getting dressed. When I was ready I washed my face and brushed my teeth to get the fresh feeling.


"Kat? Are you okay?" Liam had come to check on me. I think of what to answer, or should I even answer.

I just unlock the door and walk out, past Liam and to my bed to make my bed which I forgot to do in the morning. "Kat?" I hear him step closer. "Is everything okay?" Hah ´is everything okay?´what do you think?! Im on another planet where they want me to die! Am I supposed to be okay?!

I scoff and finish my bed.

"Kat?" Liam´s voice has turned more concerned. Awwh Li- Wait, no! I cant get feelings rule over me!

I hear him sigh "Kat, lunch is ready you need to eat. Come, lets go."

I dont want to eat... But I know that I have to if I want to be able to work out more. I walk out of the door, Liam following me. I walk infront, towards the dining room. Im not sure if I want Liam to try to speak to me again or not. ... No! I dont want him to because I dont care anymore! I raise my head, having a stone cold face and walk in the eating room. They were all already here. I get some food and sit in my usual seat. Liam soon sits beside me and we start eating.

Nobody is saying a word, until "That Cara girl is quite rude and harsh, dont you think?" From my senses I felt that people were looking at me. Did Lisa ask that from me? Well she aint getting an answer. I continue eating.

"Well?" Lisa is getting impatient, which is her problem!

"Geez are you on your period?" OH NO SHE DID NOT JUST SAY THAT! I stand up, my plate sliding towards Niall´s. I give Lisa a death glare and walk out of the room, not caring which door I left because I just needed to get out of there.

You dont kid about that thing! Is she some kind or jerk?! I bet she doesnt even have period yet because she talks about it so freely and is a complete child!

I turn to my right when I see that you can actually turn. I think I havent gone this way before but who cares? Thats right, NOBODY!

I slow my steps and look around, hoping to find something interesting so I wouldn't think so much.

I hear footsteps. No they are not coming behind me, but infront of me. I panic. Oh shit! What am I going to do?! Hide! No there arent any closets or staircases here! I freeze to my spot. Maybe if I stay really quiet they wont hear me and go back to where they came from. Oh please dont be Cara. I shut my eyes. Dont be Cara, dont be Cara, dont be Cara...

"Hey! What are you doing here?" I hear a low raspy voice that could only belong to a big muscular guy. Shit, Im in trouble. I open my eyes and can see a silhouette of a big guy. Think fast Katherina!

"I just wanted to go for a little walk." Is the first thing that comes on my tongue.

He steps coser to be so quickly that I cant even react and before I know it, Im pushed to the wall, his hand gripped around my neck and his body pressing on mine. Oh my fucking God Im going to die.

"Dont. Lie," he growls. Shit he knows I lied.

"I-" I start making another lie.

"Hey! Let her go!" Liam?!

I see Liam´s contours appearing from the path that I came from. Liam if you save me I owe you my life.

"Why should I? She wondered around and came somewhere where she wasn´t allowed to come."

"But that´s against the rules!" Liam still tries. There are rules?

The big guy growls towards Liam like he would want to rip his head off and put it on fire but he lets go of me and steps away. I slide to the floor while my back is still against the wall. I breathe .in the air my lungs were commanding for.

"Dont come to this corridor again or I will end what I started." Big Guy turns around and walks in the darkness where my eyesight didnt reach.

I look up at Liam who didnt move, just looked at me. I get it when he hates me or dislikes. I lower my head and start to say it out loud.

"I get it when you hate me but-"

"No, I dont hate you" I hear him cut me off.

"Im MAD at you." It still hurts to make him mad. Why cant I just be another crazy fangirl that would do anything he says and try to be the best friends with him.

He sighs, which is a good sign? Liam offers me his hand so I could stand up. I take it and he pulls me up, more than that, he pulls me up and right into his chest, our noses almost touching. This way we can see eachother´s faces better.

"Promise me that you won´t block me out," he says while having the most serious face I have never seen, but his eyes were pleading. Like a puppy asking for you to play with them with their sad eyes. Get yourself together Kat.

"I promise," comes out of my mouth quickly.

"I want you to mean it," his grip around my wrists tightens.

I breathe in a little.

"I promise not to block you out Liam. I need you more than I can imagine." Comes out of my mouth. Maybe the last part wasnt needed but I couldnt shut my mouth.

I can see his teeth, he is smiling lightly. He lets go of my writs and hugs me. He caught me off guard. I am surprised and shocked for a moment but then I hug him back.

I look over his shoulder. I tense up, I can bet that Liam feels it. Is that just my imagination or is there somebody watching us?

Liam turns a little so our bodies are almost in profile to that other person.

"Nialler?" Liam thinks that is Niall?

"Yeah, its me." We can see Niall step closer a few steps.

"We started to get worried, you guys have been away for five minutes." What? This whole thing was five minutes?! It felt like only one.

"We´re coming back right away." Liam says, his hands fall to his side but he grabs my hand.

I blush a little. I thought only couples can do that. I see that Niall´s head had lowered. Did he see what Liam did?

Liam starts walking and I cant do otherwise. Niall turns around and leads the way back.

When we reach the dining room, everyone had left. "You need to eat Kat," Liam stops and fills a plate with leftovers from the dishes.

He grabs an orange apple himself. Niall stands for a second. I guess wondering if he should stay or not. But he stays, grabbing the last piece or red banana looking like food.

We eat in silence and when we were done Niall send us to the training room again. Both of them on my other sides, guarding me from left and right.

I have a micro mini fangirl moment. Im between Niam!


I guess the ending is quite surprising. Haha =)

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