19. Mischievious Mukamis

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(Hiroki Vladimira Tepes)

"Pretty Neko Chan please!?" Kou asked as he leaned over Rose's shoulder, as she was reading a book.

"I'm sorry Kou, but I don't want to." Rose replied in a soft tone, making Kou pout.

"But it's fun!!" Kou drawled out, as Rose rolled her eyes.

~A Few Moments Ago~

"It's so hot." Kaito grumbled out in annoyance, as he unbuttoned the first four buttons on his shirt, making Yui and Yuki blush.

"Apparently the mansion's cooling system is down, and the repair man won't be here for a few days." Seiji said as he fixed his glasses.

"It doesn't feel any different to me." Stefan said as he took a sip of wine, and threw down a pair of Aces.

"Cause you're a cold hearted bastard that's why." Lucian said, as he slammed down a fullhouse.

"No. I'm pretty sure that's you." Cedric mumbled as he picked up a card. Senri and Rima were behind him eating pocky, and watching the game.

" Aye! At least I'm not so calm like Kuran or sensitive like Katsuro!" Lucian huffed, making Satoshi smirk, and Daisuke laugh.

"I don't know what to say to that." Katsuro said softly. Rose giggled and plopped herself down on his lap, immediately making him smile.

"I think Katsuro Nii is fine just the way he is." Rose said and she smiled at him, while beginning to braid his long purple hair.

Katsuro smiled down at his little sister,"Thank you Imouto Chan."

"Bitch!" Satoshi hissed, and Zero glared at the purple haired brother.

"Agreed" Kaname said darkly, while Kanato and Daisuke were sulking in a corner.

"Fucking sneaky ass bastard." Stefan and Lucian hissed.

"It seems like we're losing to Katsuro." Oochi spat venomously. Kaito crossed his arms over his chest and smirked.

"You guys are losing, I'm in the lead." Kaito said smugly.

"Go fuck yourself Kaito" Iori said, as everyone glared at Katsuro.

Suddenly, Kou smirked and threw an arm over Iori's shoulder."Hey, I have an idea."

Seiji and Reiji brushed their glasses up their nose, making a glare flash through them."What king of game?Fufufufu~" Laito asked and Kou smirked.

"If any of us can successfully get Rose to yell, then they get to go on one date with her." Kaito glared hatefully at Kou.


" Hehehe. The rules are simple, don't sabotage anyone and play fair." Kou trailed off as he saw Rose reading a book, while snuggling into her purple haired brother.

~Back to the present~

"PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE! Pretty Neko Chan Please!" Kou drawed out, as he sprawled himself on Rose's lap.

"If I say yes, then will you please leave me alone?" Rose replied.

"NOO! DON'T DO IT IMOUTO!" Kyouya yelled from somewhere in the mansion.

"Yes! Now let's go!" Kou pulled Rose by the arm only to be stopped by Ruki.

"I'm the oldest, so it's only fair if I go." Ruki said smugly, making Kou pout.

"Fine!" Kou huffed, as Ruki dragged Rose somewhere.


"Etto......Ruki why am I dressed like this?" Rose asked gesturing to her. Ruki only smirked and led her to the main lounge room, where Ruki gathered everyone."R-Ruki, no! I don't want to go out like this." Rose said embaressed, but Ruki only pushed her outside, where everything was silent.

"R-Rose!!" Rose flinched and covered her eyes.



"YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" Those were the shouts, and Rose only got more embarrassed while Ruki only sighed in disappointment. He was sure that Rose was going to get scare, but she didn't.

"Hehehe. Looking good Rose." Stefan commented as his little sister only blushed even more. The bikini showed more skin than Rose was comfortable with, especially since she always dresses modestly. All in all, Rose was embarrassed.

" I'm going to pass out." Iori said as his nose started bleeding, and Takuma could only nod in agreement as well.

"Etto......I feel uncomfortable." Rose said innocently, while looking down at the floor blushing.


"Well that didn't work...." Ruki said sadly, but he too admired the view.

~Time skip~

Everyone had tried so hard to get Rose to yell, even Kaito. They made messes and tortured Rose. Even Azusa tried to stab her with Melissa.Rose was tired and felt so embarrassed, she left to her brother's room to take a nice relaxing shower. Her clothes were on the bed and her towel was hanging inside the bathroom. Yuma picked the door's lock and walked in the room, he traded her clothes for some clothes more to his liking and he went into the bathroom, and blushed as he saw Rose bathing. Blood was pouring out of his nose, but he still managed to take the towel, and a picture without Rose knowing.

Then Yuma waited in in the lounge room, smirking."So what did you do?" Zero asked curiously, but Yuma only smirked.

"Oh you'll see." Yuma said and not long after an angry cry was heard throughout the mansion.

" FUCK YOU ALL!" Yuma flinched and so did the others. The door to the lounge room slammed opened and there stood Rose adorning provocative lingerie, that just so happened to match her earrings.Rose's eyes were blazing then they landed on the group of men who have been pranking her all day, and her eyes turned even worse."Who did this!?" Rose hissed in a venomous voice, and everyone pointed to Yuma.Rose took a step and she seemed scary, hell even Kaname and Zero were scared shitless."I've been very lenient to you all. I've put up with your pranks, your torturing, dressing me up so shamelessly ." She stopped just in front of them and she growled,"BUT I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR GAMES!" She bared her teeth at the scared males, hell she even was glaring at Yui and Yuki."WHICH ONE OF YOU STARTED THIS!?" Rose hissed.

Everyone pointed at Kou and said,"KOU!"Rose smirked and flipped her hair over her shoulder.

"So, care to tell me why you planned such an idiotic game.....Kou?" Rose asked as she got up in his face, making him gulp.

"Hahaha, you see."Kou started as he scratched his head."Whoever got you mad, and made you scream would win, and they get to go on....a date with you." Rose arche her eyebrow and her eyes turned to normal.

Rose sighed annoyedly and she pinched the bridge of her nose."Idiots." Rose whispered and Kou chuckled."However." Kou looked up at Rose as she kicked his face,"Never do that again stupid. Just ask next time." Rose's eyes held mirth in them as everyone looked up at her in shock, even her brothers.

"You're......not mad?" Ayato asked and Rose rolled her eyes.

"Hell yeah I'm mad, and annoyed, and tired,but flattered. I'll take you all out for lunch later, but first I want you all to clean this house." Rose then tilted her head and smiled."Only the males of course."

"Scary."Kou muttered.

"At least she didn't do her almighty kick." Cedric muttered.

The brothers all nodded,"Agreed."

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