10.Trying to Find Rose

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(Picture Of Lucian Vladimira Tepes)

Three weeks had past since Rose went missing and to say everyone was worried was an understatement, everyone didn't sleep or eat, so all in all everyone was chaotic. Orochi notified their father and older brothers who went searching for her. Basically everyone was worried, the Tepes brothers were so occupied with find their sister, that they failed to notice that it was a full moon tonight." Ugggggghhhh! Where could she be!Eu am să bat măr de Rose dacă ea a terminat cu Sano tot acest timp!(I am gonna beat the shit out of Rose if she ended up with Sano this whole time!)" Satoshi yelled as he yet again failed to locate Rose.

" Is that Jewish?" Yuki asked, trying to calm everyone down, Satoshi huffed and ignored her, while Kaito smacked the back of his head.

" It's Romanian , our native tongue." Orochi and Seiji mumbled in unison.

"Calmează dracu 'jos Satoshi!(Calm The Fuck Down Satoshi!)" Kaito shouted, in the background making everyone groan in annoyance when Satoshi retaliated.

"Tu nu-mi spui ce dracu fac și nu fac! Sunt încercat de căutare ea, probabil, o trage cu unele nenorocit!(You don't tell me what the fuck I do and don't do! I'm tried of searching she's probably out shacking with some fucker!)" Satoshi and Kaito glared.

Kaito went to defend his twin and said," Rose este sora noastră, ea nu ar face asta. Ea ne iubește și nu ne-ar trăda așa idiotule!(Rose is our sister, she would never do that. She loves us and would never betray us like that dickhead!)"

Satoshi scowled at Kaito and said," Rose nu ne place cum ne-o dorim să și știi asta! Personal, cred că o curvă, ea ar trebui să fi murit și ne-a salvat toate problemele!(Rose doesn't love us the way we desire her to and you know that! Personally, I think she a slut, she should've died and saved us all the trouble! )" Kaito's eyes widened. As did Reiji's, Shu's, Laito's, Kaname's , and basically anybody that could understand  how to speak Romanian.

"Cum poți spune asta? Ea este sora noastră bastardul!(How could you say that? She is our sister you bastard!)" Kaito pushed Satoshi, and the two glared at each other, everyone seemed to go quiet. Kaito continued,"Dacă ceva ar trebui să fim de protecție Rose! Ea este ultimul memento toti avem de mama(If anything we should be protecting Rose! She is the last reminder we all have of mother)." Kaito said, and Seiji sighed. Everything and everyone went quiet, while they all thought of Rose.

A chuckle reasoned through the room, and a dark haired twenty year old looking man with eyes so dark they almost looked black, was leaning against the wall with a cigar in his mouth. Cedric mumbled out loud enough for everyone to hear," Oh great, the bastards here." Everyone, in the Tepes Vladimira clan chuckled and the man scowled at the purplette.

Orochi and Seiji sighed," What do we owe the pleasure Lucian?" Seiji asked. Lucian shrugged his shoulders and flicked his cigar somewhere in the room.

" I was notified by Mamoru that Rose was missing. I used my ability and tried to track down her heartbeat, turns out she is held captive somewhere." Lucian said in a bored tone, which apparently sounded sexy to the females in the room, because they all blushed.

" So instead of going to aid her you're strolling around, while she is probably dying!" Iori yelled out at Lucian who looked amused.

" Wow, you guys must be out of it to forget what happens tonight." Everyone looked confused, Orochi's eyes held realization.

" What the hell do you mean Lucian?" Satoshi asked.

Lucian strolling to a near by window and pushed the curtain aside to reveal the Full Moon rising in the air." It's a full moon tonight." He paused to light his cigar and he took a drag o it, before saying," I'm more worried for her captors than for her tonight. Who knows what will happen."

" Where's she located?" Daisuke asked and Lucian smirked devilishly.

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