9. Yui Grows A Back Bone For Once

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( Picture Of Orochi Vladimira Tepes)

" To what do we owe the pleasure of your visit Orochi?" Seiji politely, yet harshly asked. The guests could only stay back and watch as the Tepes males' true aura unleashed itself and clashed with Orochi's aura.

Orochi smirked and his visible green snake like eye narrowed at his brothers," Did you not gain the letter I sent? I am here to reside with you all once again, after I dispose of the family archives and such." Orochi's smirked wore off and he scanned every face in the room, and his eyes widened, then he glared at Seiji and the other Tepes males." Where is she?!" Orochi demanded, making the brothers' eyes softened.

" We don't know." Daisuke whispered as he clutched his stuffed animals, Bunny and Kitty, close to him.

Orochi clutched his hands into fists, and his glare intensified, his greenish yellow snake eyes, turned a dark and malicious crimson red," What do you mean you don't know!" He demanded. Yes, even this cold hearted bastard was worried about Rose, in truth Rose was every brothers' favorite sibling, she was just too sweet and innocent to hate.

" We awoke in the afternoon, and there was no sign of her, we thought she as out, so we asked each other, but o one had a clue. We looked for a note, didn't find one, and just until right now, we were searching the entre property for her." Ceric said in a rushed worried tone.

" Not even Kaito could us his connection with her to find Rose." Iori added, worried as well. Orochi's eyes and posture immediately softened, but was still tensed.

He sighed, and pinched the bridge of his nose," We are gong to have to contact father about this, you know that right?" The Tepes males nodded, but everyone tensed once they heard a scream from the garden, a very feminine scream. The vampires ran to the garden to find nothing, not a single thing misplaced, no sigh of anybody's presence. Orochi looked worried as did everyone else.

" Who would do something like this to Tsuki Chan?" Yuki asked close to tears, but Yui wrapped her in a hug, also close to tears.

Orochi glance up at the sky and said," You'd be surprised how many people desire our sister. She's beautiful, perfect for breeding heirs, she's powerful, perfect for gaining power and a title, and she's kind, perfect for stepping on her." Orochi looked at the guest and snicker in disdain." Why do you think you never heard of Dracula having a daughter! Father knew that Rose would be condemned to an eternity of suffering. Our mother had her soul mate and her children to live for, our little sister hasn't seen the world yet. Father knew she would too much like mother, the moment he saw her face he knew that she would too kind to harm anything and get killed,he at least knew his sons would be able to kill enemies, but Rose...........she wouldn't harm a fly she is too pure and innocent, too naïve to be allowed into this nightmarish world she was born in." Orochi stopped his rambling and walked back to the mansion.

" Your wrong!" Yui shouted, making everyone looked at the Yui in surprise, yelling was definitely out of character for her.Yui glared at Orochi in determination and clutched her chest," Tsuki Chan is puree yes, but she is strong! She knows the hardships of the real world, that's why she strives to make it a better place! Rose might not be a killing machine, but isn't that good? She could fight, but she gives her opponets a second chance, a choice to live their evil sins once again, or change and repent for their sins! She doesn't like death, but she does what she has to for her loved ones. She told me......that.....she sees me and Yuki Chan as........sisters or sometimes daughters, and she.......said that caring and loving for someone means to protect them, care for them, and guide them through reality, and to sacrifice all you have, even your life just to have them live another day! I admit her view of love didn't seem......right to me, but know I see that she cares a lot for all of us, and she won't hesitate to take down the world for us, because I thin in her sense, we keep her going. We're all she has, and she doesn't want to lose us, since she lost the only woman or motherly figure in her life. She practically raised herself, and she could have ran away all those years ago, but she didn't, because she loves you all, so please. Don't ever talk bad about Tsuki Chan, even if she doesn't kill the enemy, it just means she is forgiving and thoughtful." Yui said, and Yuki nodded and went to stand beside Yui.

" Tsuki Chan, is one of a kind, and I'm glad to have her in my life, and you should be too." Yuki said firmly, holding Yui's hand. Orochi's eyes softened only a little, but then they hardened and he turned to walk back to the mansion.

" I know, I'm afraid of never seeing her face again." Orochi whispered as the rest of the mansion occupants walked behind him to the mansion, to try and locate Rose.

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