8.Being Held Captive

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(Picture Of Amelia)

I sighed in pain, and closed my eyes in a desperate need for rest, my captors have held me here for more than a few days, I think it has been a matter of weeks. I remain chain to the wall, by my wrists, wearing the very revealing Egyptian clothing. My captors, have been trying to get me to scream, but I don't give them the pleasure of hearing my shouts. I thought I could get out of this prison, but it turns out the prison cell, and shackles are made of Anti-Vampire metal, and something else. Each time they torture me, they inject me with some greenish liquid in glass like tubes, before the wounds close up and heal themselves. I can't see their faces, because they wear nothing but black cloaks, but I do see a glimpse of fiery red hair in the background watching, and laughing.My once silvery white hair is probably stained with the ugly color red. My Ivory complexion has paled to look like porcelain.

I thought my brothers would be smart enough to locate me, but it seems I was wrong. I am going to have to escape on my own, with my own power. The sound of the prison cell opening awakes me from my plan of escaping, and I look up to see the only person in the whole world who I despise. I scowled and said," So, your the evil genius behind this plan Amelia Vedernikov?" The Russian red head giggled and put her hand under my chin to raise my face up to hers.

" I've never in all my years seen you look so pitiful. The great Vladimira Tepes Princess has been shoot down by a mere succubus from a Russian noble family." Amelia said in a haughty tone, she released my face and pulled my long hair down, making me look up at her with a glare." Oh, how I could relish in your screams of pain Princess, I can't wait to kill you, then send your body to your family, not like they would care." Amelia had a lustful look in her eye, then she licked her lips, and whispered ever so quietly in my ear," Then I'll have some fun with your brothers before killing them."

I felt anger surged through me and I glared at Amelia,"Я собираюсь убить тебя, ты самовлюбленный красная голова суки! Я умру прежде, чем я позволю тебе трогать мою семьи вы фол суккуба!(I am going to kill you, you narcissistic red head bitch! I'll die before I let you touch my family you foul succubus!)" I shouted at Amelia, in her native tongue, this is why I hate speaking Russian.

Amelia smirked and said,"Я не думаю, что вы можете убить меня, мой дорогой шлюхой. Вы видите, эти инъекции, что плащ люди дали вам, будет разъедать души. Вы собираетесь исчезнуть в забвение и перестают существовать, а свою душу, по крайней мере. Мы по-прежнему необходимо ваше тело, но моя точка в том, что вы моя принцесса никогда не будет видеть свет дня когда-либо снова, так что ваши угрозы мало что значат для меня(I don't think you can kill me, my dear whore. You see, those injections that the cloak people gave you, is going to eat away at your soul. You are going to vanish in to oblivion and cease to exist, well your soul at least. We will still need your body, but my point being that you my Princess will never see the light of day ever again, so your threats mean little to me.)"

I gave her a puzzling look,"Что ты собираешься использовать мое тело для?(What are you gonna use my body for?)" Amelia gave me a smirked and released my hair.

" Not what, who." That was all she said, before leaving the cell, I sighed guess I have to escape tonight huh. I look up at the sky and saw that tonight was going to be a full moon. I smirked and began planning in my head, for the full moon is when I am the strongest.

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