7. A Kidnapping

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( Picture of Cedric Vladimira Tepes)

" Rose! Rose!" Satoshi yelled as he and all the other occupants of the manor went around the property searching for said female.

" Tsuki Chan! Tsuki Chan! Where are you?" Yui shouted only to gain silence in return.

" Bitch if you don't come out right now I'm gonna hurt Kaito!" Satoshi yelled, only for silence to get his message.

Everyone decided to meet up in the study room, and see if they made any progress." Did you find her yet?" Seiji asked as they arrived at the study room. Yuki, Cedric, Kaito, Yui, Ayato, Subaru, and Daisuke shook their head no.

" It's not like Rose to run off without telling anyone, she always at least tells Seiji, or Kaito." Cedric said his normally lazy and laid back tone, webbed with worry and concern for their dear sister. Cedric turned to his brothers," Are you sure she didn't leave a note?"

Kaito glared at Cedric and pushed his shoulders, standing from his chair and glaring at Cedric," Do you think if she left a note, I would be worrying so much. For all we know she got kidnapped and is probably dead by now, all because we all wanted to sleep in!" Kaito shouted making everyone wince at his harsh tone. Kaito looked so aggravated that his twin wasn't with him. In truth all the brothers were worried, yeah they bullied Rose and called her names, but they don't mean that at all, in truth they all love their sister, maybe even as a woman. Kaito looked guilty, and close to tears, but he sucked it up, like a man." I'm sorry. It's just.........Rose......is my twin.........my little sister........my other half.......I can't think of a world without her in it." Kaito admitted and his brothers nodded in agreement, even some of the guests nodded their heads.

" Is Kaien still at the police station?" Seiji asked after a moment of silence and Kaname nodded. Seiji sighed and ruffled his hair, in truth all the Tepes brothers looked worn out and close to tears, but their pride wouldn't allow them to sob.

" Kaito, Rose is your twin correct?" Reiji asked suddenly in spirit, causing everyone to look at him curiously

" Not right now Reiji." Laito said, surprisingly serious, truth be told, Rose hasn't spent any bonding time with the Sakamaki or Mukami brothers, but she grew on them, she worm her way into their cold unbeating hearts.

Reiji glared at Laito, but continued his speech," If possible, can't you use your.....twin connection to find Rose?" Kaito looked at Reiji in rage.

" I've tried that, it won't work! I have no idea where she is! Why do you think I'm panicking!" Kaito shouted, and Satoshi punched Kaito, making Kaito glare at Satoshi.

" Look we're all worried about her too,but-" Satoshi started, only to be cut off by a punch in the jaw.

" Don't you dare give me that crap! We all know you care for her! Hell all of us do, but instead of staying by her side, like some people you all just brought her down, and treated her like shit! I know the feelings she went through hurt, betrayal, hell I'm surprised she doesn't hate you!" Kaito shouted, making everyone who wasn't a Tepes look at the brothers in astonishment, Kaito just revealed that the brothers.....all.....

" Enough! Yes, we all......made mistakes, but right now the matter at hand is to find Rose." Iori yelled and the only thing heard was Kaito's panting since he grew so angry. The Tepes brothers all glared at one an other, and Seiji sighed.

" We're wasting time!"Seiji said rather angrily, making Laito smirk.

" Ne, are you sure your anger isn't just sexual frustration?" Laito asked, making Yui and Yuki blush a bright red. Before anything can be said, there was a knock at the door.

Everybody perked up at the sound, thinking that it could be Rose, so everyone raced to the foyer, to the door and opened it to see...."Orochi" All the Tepes brothers, except for Seiji hissed the name holding such venom and hatred.

" Hello, brothers." A monotone voice said with equal venom. There seemed to be a thick tension in the air between the Tepes males, and the Sakamakis could only describe the tension as sibling rivalry.

~ With Rose~

With a groan, the Tepes female woke up to find herself in a dungeon like room, chained to a wall, wearing only a sheer white Egyptian style tunic. Rose looked around the room, but everything seemed fuzzy, she looked down to see she had no shoes, and the tunic which went down to the floor, had a slit al the way up to her hip, showing her lace undergarment. Rose wasn't scared of death, oh no she was in that moment afraid of who and captured her, and what they would do to her family. She needed to play damsel in distress for a few more days, to get answers, so she'll just wait and endure what is to come, for her family, and her beloved new friends.

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