24. Do I Wanna Know?

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( Vasile Vladimira Tepes )

Rose couldn't sleep.

She had an aching gut feeling that something horribly wrong would happen.

The feeling twisted her gut like a knife, the foreboding aura never leaving her mind. The suspense in the air left a never ending buzz in the back of her head.

Sighing for the 666777 time-yes she kept count,she sat up and prepared to leave her room, to roam around the manor.

She silently walked down the dark hallway, to the foyer, and she made her way to the kitchen. At night-or I should say day, the manor was extremely quiet and dark. A beautiful contradiction, in comparison to when the occupants of the quiet manor were awake.

In the kitchen, Rose leaned against the island counter table, and rubbed her forehead. A splitting headache seared across her mind, and it hurt beyond comprehension. The pain was similar to what Rose would describe as being hit repeatedly on the head by a mallet, intensively painful and excruciatingly annoying.

Wigh her 666778 sigh, she went to the cupboard and obtained a small glass. She proceeded towards the fridge, whre she obtained a blood bag, which she poured the bag's contents into her cup, and she took one long gulp, effectively drinking all the blood. She then rinsed her cup and refilled it with water.

After drinking her glass of water, she washed her cup and respectively, put it away. The searing pain in her head, reducing to a dull throb. She tentatively and softly rubbed the back of her head,"Rose..."

Said girl turned her head towards the direction of where the voice came from, only to find darkness. Rose, as far as she can tell, was the only person in the household awake. Maybe she was just hearing things, I mean that was the first cup of blood she had in a while, and starving could lead a vampire to experience crazy things."Rose........here......I am..........Rose......", the same voice repeated, Rose couldn't help but shiver. The voice sounded so sinister, so dark, so.....evil.

Rose gulped and began the long walk filled with dakness and suspense back  to her  room, it was funny. She was a vampire, so why was he afraid of the dark, if she herself was on of the creatures that thrived in the dark itself, it was most confusing, maybe it was due to her childish fears, which were probably still intact, deep down, in her conscious, under all her memories, no doubt,"Rose....you....can't....ignore.......me..........Rose....",the voice kept repeating, every now and then, she would swear she felt someone tugging on her hair, pulling on the sleeve of her robe, and even the sensation of someone's hands on her shoulders, or her hips, trying to pull her back.

Rose figured that it was her half asleep mind (and starved consciousness) playing tricks on her, but as she came aound the corner towards her room, a creak souned from her bother's door. She paused, her body failing to comprehend what to do, her inhumane heart beat speeding up ten times as fast as before. Her heart rate slowed down, and she slightly relaxed when she felt warm arms wrap around her waist protectively from behind her, where her brother's room door was.

She contentedly sighed and leaned her head back, thinking that the person holding her was Kaito, since his room was the only one besides the guestrooms, that were near her own room."Kaito, what are you doing up?" Then it occurred to her, she couldn't feel Kaito's aura behind her, and last time she checked, she couldn't feel Kaito near her from their twin bond, which meant that she was alone....

"Rose.............MINE!!"  Her heartbeat fastened, her face drained of any emotions other than surprise and shock, her mind was blank. She could hear her own heartbeat loud and fast, pounding in her ribcage, the thumping of her heart echoing in her head.

She felt the person's warm breath fan on her neck, making her shiver. The warm arms traveled to her shoulders, and Rose could feel something sharp prick her neck, pain engulfed her whole being,cauaing her to give a yelp. It was like thousands of needles pricking her neck, she knew that her attacker was a vampire, due to the familiar pain of two fangs protruding in her neck.

Suddenly, the pain and prickling needles went away, leaving her to lean against the wall, holding her neck to stop the pain and the bleeding. Rose closed her eyes in an attempt to block the agonizing stabs of pain. Soon a familiar aura arrived and a pair of warm arms engulfed her."Rose?! Rose what happened? " Her eyes opened, and et with the familiar golden yellow orbs of her twin.

"K-Kaito?" Rose asked through half lidded eyes, the pain causing her to be drowsy. The needle like sensation was pulsing and vibrated through her body, prickling her insides with pain.

She lost conscious, having to deal with the pain, and Kaito looked pissed,"Do I even wanna know what happened? " Kaito looked up to see Seiji, Daisuke, Kaname, Zero, Reiji, and Stefan.

Kaito looked back to Rose, and he gently picked her up in his arms, "Fuck off. I'm already pissed seeing her like this-" he paused to gently position her head on his shoulder, blood still seeping out of the wound, and he turned to glare at Seiji," When I find out who did this....I'm going to tear them to shreds. No one should ever lay a hand on her." He growled and harshly stared and own his older brothers with his red vampric eyes, showing just how angry he truly was."Remember that! "

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