25. Mad Hatter Pt.1

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Sorey it's just a short chapter but I am getting rady for tomorrow!! It's my first day of highschool!! I'm so excited!! Anyways I finally got an instagram!! Yay!! I am also trying out for Volleyball!! I am so happy, excited, anxious, and nervous all at once!! The feels r so intense!!

By the way my instagram is AnimeGirl01!! I might draw some of my characters and post them for you lovelies!!

Rose was alone in a dark room, a room where nothing bu the empty color of black which stretched on and on for an eternity. She couldn't comprehend where she was, or why she was here. All she could remember was pain prickling her neck.

Speaking of her neck, she reached up to touch her neck, or she tried to, but failed  when she realized her wrists were chained together.

"What the......" her eyebrows furrowed as she tried desperately to break the chains, but to no available. To matters more uncomfortable she couldn't sit up, somthing was holding her legs down.

Suddenly, the sound of a paino's keys began playing in the distance. The origin was far away, but not far enough to sound like a whisper. In the distance, she saw a red orb of light, the light seemed to grow bigger, as if it was leisurely strolling towards Rose.

Her heart began pumping painfully in her chest, she closed her eyes and concentrated on trying to break out of her shackles, but once again her actions were proven futile.

When she opened her eyes, she found that the red orb was directly above her, she felt cold to the bone, yet there was a certain warmth about the red orb. The orb emitted a bright red light, that gave Rose the ability to see within the darkness.

Rose found that she was on an old iron bed, (the mattress was discarded to the side and the sight of it made Rose glad that she was resting on the metal bed post), her wrists bound by a special kind of unique anti-vampire metal (seeing as how her wrists were being scorched everytime she moved), not only were her ankles chained as well, but there was an odd heavy chest on her torso.

The red orb rested upon the odd chest and just floated there, meanwhile a beautiful female voice synchronized with the paino's tempo."2 A.M. where do I begin?  Crying off my face again...." Rose shuddered as dread swept over her, for some strange reason, the woman's voice was disgusting to Rose, sounding so cold, monotonic, and mechanical.

The woman's voice stopped in the middle of a crescendo, the paino's keys harshly being pushed down creating an ugly crash of jumbled notes, not meant to be played in unison, piercing Rose's ears painfully.

In the distance, two red orbs appeared, glowing with an insane look in them, a maniac chelsea smile was practically all this person needed to look like Jeff The Killer, one of the Creepypastas Rose has heard of.

A big Cheshire grin erupted on the woman's face, her glaeming white teeth ading to the brilliance of her insane red eyes. The sound of a chainsaw erupted th deafening silence, causing Rose to pale in horror. The Cheshire smile seemed to grow even bigger than before," You think I'm bonkers~ Yet you like me best when I'm off my rockers~" the girl's insane voice echoed, causing Rose to snap her eyes shut. The manac laugh of the girl, forever searing itself in her mind.

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