Chapter 8: The Tickle War

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Garroth's POV
Two days have passed since the wall was completed. It isn't the strongest thing in the world, but it is stong enough to hold guards back.

I see Aphmau exit her house and I approach her. "Hello Aphmau." I say, cringing at my mistake. I see her giggle to herself. "Hey! What's so funny?" I ask trying to sound offended, but really, I was cracking up inside. "You. That face you made when you cringed.. It was just.. Priceless!" She bursts out laughing.

"Hey! I thought I was the comedian here!" I hear Laurance chuckle from behind me. "L..Laurance! have to see Garroth's face when he cringes! It is too good!" she says in between giggles. "Oh? Let me see." Laurance smirks as he stretches his arms out. "DON'T YOU DARE LAURANCE! I SWEAR TO-" I stop mid sentence as Laurance pushes me to the ground and tickles my sides. Aphmau is laughing hysterically now. "LAURANCE!! Ahahaha! STOP- Hahaha! IT NOW!" I cry out in between laughs. "NEVER!!" He proclaims, to which I respond to shoving him off of me. I loom over him.

"REVENGE!" I shout and pounce on him, I pin him to the ground and tickle his sides. His arms flail about helplessly. By now, Aphmau has fallen over holding her stomach and laughing so hard that she is crying. "GUYS! PLEASE! YOU ARE TOO COMICAL!" She shouts in between breathes. "GARROTH WHY?!? HAHAHA!" He yells. "BECAUSE YOU DID IT FIRST!" I yell at him, laughing like a maniac.

"Having fun there?" I hear someone giggle and I get off of Laurance. "IRENE BLESS YOUR SOUL! YOU ARE MY SAVIOR!" He yells at her. "Why are you guys having a.. What were you doing? A tickle war?" She asks with laughter in her voice. "You could call it that, or you can call it, LAURANCE AND GARROTH HAVE A TICKLE FEST FOR 10 MINUTES WHILE APHMAU DIES OF LAUGHTER!" Aphmau shouts still laughing hysterically.

Hey! At least she stood up.

"Mmhmmm." She says, a hint of sarcasm in it. "Anyways, I think you might want to check on Kawaii-chan; she has been shouting and making loud clanging noises ever since yesterday morning. It has been keeping us awake." "Okay, Emma. I will go check on her."

Aphmau's POV
I walk into Kawaii~chan's house, and sure enough, she was being loud like Emma had said. I go into her basement to see her and Brendan. Brendan was watching from behind, while Kawaii~chan was working hard with her magiks.

"Kawaii~chan, what is with all of the noise? Some people haven't been getting sleep because you have been so loud." I tell Kawaii~chan. "Eh?! Oh! Aphmau~Senpai, you're just in time to see Kawaii~chan finish her life creating magiks on these dolls. Kawaii~chan has been working non-stop so that she could finish the dolls, she didn't realize it was keeping others awake! Kawaii~chan is so sorry!" She says sincerley, yet excited. "It's okay, Kawaii~chan. Now, what do you mean life creating magiks? What does that got to do with dolls?" "Watch, Kawaii~chan will show you."

As she finishes speaking in third person, she casts out a magic beam and it engulfs the dolls in a bright, white light. Heh. Interesting, the color white represents life. Has this always happened? Has a certian color been cast every time Kawaii~chan, or any magiks user for that matter, has cast a spell that represented what type of feeling they were casting? I think Emmalyn would be interested in this, but it is someting that I've never taken into account before.

The light fades and what I saw next astonished me: the dolls had come to life. "Kawaii~chan! It worked!" I turn to my left to see Kawaii~chan faceplanted into the floor. "Kawaii~chan had forgotten how much energy doing this type of magiks took from her. Aphmau~Senpai, come back later please, Kawaii~chan needs to rest to restore her magiks."

"Okay, Kawaii~chan." I said, as I walked upstairs to the door. "She actually did it!" I whisper to myself, not realizing I had spoken aloud, I had jumped when I heard Garroth ask me what Kawaii~chan did.

~The Passing Time~ A Garmau FFWhere stories live. Discover now