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Two weeks later:

After chase left me feeling like a turd, I pretty much went straight to bed. I figured he'd just had a pole stuck up his ass from brunch, but no.

Two weeks down the line and the asshat is ignoring me. Are we twelve? I have literally done nothing to him to deserve any type of silent treatment whatsoever, "so. How long are you going to be like this?" I ask out of the blue, silent breakfasts are going to be the death of me.

I hate silence, and as much as I hate to admit it, I'm actually terrified of it. I'm quite a scaredy cat.

Chase grunts before replying curtly, "until this agreement is over." This is ridiculous! "At least treat me like a human being! Why can't we be civil during our agreement? Nothing in that fancy little contract of yours stated you could be an-"

"Better watch your tongue before you slip up." I blink. Once. Twice. Damn it. He was right, I got so aggravated that I didn't even realize I was about to cuss him out. "An idiot. I was going to say idiot." I finished, smiling because I felt like I won this round.

"We both know you weren't going to say that." Somehow, the way he stated that like a finality; like he actually knew, made me snap. "You don't know anything about me." I spit coldly.

I surprise myself with my own coldness. Brr. It just turned into the Arctic in here, because I'm being icy as fück.

There are triggers in my life, that I'll have to live with for the rest of my life, and Calvin Klein didn't know that. I saw his eyes widen at my statement.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-" but he cut me off before I could say anything more. "What do you have to be sorry for? You're right, I don't know anything about you, nor do I want to."

Immediately, tears sprung to my eyes. Why does he treat me like I'm the bubonic plague? Like I'm the scum of the earth?

Suddenly, I remind myself I can't be weak anymore.

The whole reason I started cussing was a way to intimidate people. It was a warning; stay away, I'm broken.

Now I don't have that to fall back on anymore. So, why not get angry?

"You know what? I haven't done a single thing to you, and here you are treating me like crap beneath your shoe. You're one snobbish piece of trash Calvin Klein."  I applauded myself for not cursing when I really wanted to.

I leave my breakfast and storm to my room. I even slam my door for show.


Later when I wake up from a nap, I hear moans coming from down the hall. And let me tell you, I seethe red. I shouldn't be mad, but I am.

I basically jump out of bed before I even have time to catch my legs, and fall flat on my face. "Ouch."

For some unexplainable reason, there's a pang in my chest. Why should I even care that he's with someone?

The answer: I shouldn't. I don't.

But, just to piss him off for earlier, I storm right up to his door and bang as loudly as I possibly could.

In seconds, the door flies open to a half naked Chase Kelvin.

Holy crap-

He had muscles. Lots and lots of muscles.

"How long are you going to stare at me before you decide it's time to leave?" This breaks me from my reverie immediately. I see movement behind him, but I refuse to look at it.

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