Me, myself and Her?

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"I'm bored CK." Is the first words uttered from my mouth when I wake up. He just shrugged, handed me two hundred bucks and told me to go do something because he was "busy."

Wow, don't I feel special?

So, at eleven o'clock I'm left here at this crappy restaurant with nothing to do but think about our impending wedding, the choices I've made in my life, a slushy, and a douche that keeps looking at me like he wants to jump my bones.

Gross. Especially at the fact that he's at least four times my current age. Other than that, the island is beautiful, and the scenery is crystal clear, like I'm looking at this place from an outside point of view.

I can see everything here with certainty, and this must be a god damned thinking island because that seems to be all I have been able to do since I got here.

Like, why doesn't CK just kiss me already?

Does he like me?

Do I like him?

Do I even want him to kiss me?

And the answers to these questions are beyond me. It always seems like we get close, then he pulls away. Like he's scared. Maybe I'm scared too.

And it hits me; he doesn't want his heart broken again. Just like I don't.

And it's hard to get past trust issues, especially if many people have fooled you before. In love, it's only one step away from heartbreak.

But I don't know what to do, I'm stressing myself out thinking about this so much.

I try texting Chase to come outside and swim in the ocean with me, but he doesn't respond. So I settle with swimming by myself. This reminds me so much of my childhood.

Not the beautiful island, but the familiar feeling of loneliness. I've always been an only child, and so I always had to bide my time alone-my parents were gone, and my aunt and uncle sure wasn't about to pick up a train and play with me- they'd be more likely to run me over with a train.

To take out more time in my day, I even tan while I can. And, just because CK is ignoring me, I buy a very expensive hat and while I'm at it I also get a smoothie and a new bathing suit.

Serves him right. He's being so distant today.

When I finally make my way up to the room, I realize that I forgot my key! Damn.

I knock on the door loudly to make sure CK hears me. But CK doesn't answer the door. A woman does, she had rosy red cheeks and a beautiful body I would die for. She's drop dead gorgeous, and she's half naked standing in my room. Well, it's Chase's too, but he's probably the reason she's here, so I'll take ownership of the room for now.

"Yes?" She asks sweetly, as if I was going to offer her room service. Ha.

I went through a whole plethora of answers I could give her, but I ungracefully came out with, "Who are you?" And I sounded quite rude.

But I guess she didn't catch the accusing accent in my voice, "I'm Venessa, and you are?" I wanted to say 'hi Venessa, I'm get the hell out of my way so I can put my things in my room before my arm falls off.'

But, I don't say that. "Molly. I don't mean to sound rude, but why are you here?" Of course I didn't want to know why she was here, I know I won't like the answer. And I know the answer will hurt me. I haven't been on the stupid and blind train in quite awhile. Not since he-who-shall-not-be-named.

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