Mrs. Molly

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"Well, there's nothing else it could be?" I ask frantically. Chase's eyes immediately glances up in worry at the sound of my frazzled voice.

"No, we've done extensive tests already, and they all point to this. I'm sorry."

Well. Balls.


"Mrs.?" Comes the worries voice of my doctor from the other end, "we'll need you to come in ASAP to remove the cyst, as it could be cancerous."

Okay, okay. The cat is out of the bag. I have an ovarian cyst. Which could contain cancer, but the chances are slim- though they want to remove it to be sure. "Okay. This Thursday? I'll be there."

"Molly." Chase's worried voice follows me into the kitchen as I stuff my face with Oreos.

"Chase." I reply with a deep voice mimicking his. "You know I'm worried to death about you..."


"But. I told you so." Really? An I told you so?

Damn. That's true.

"Yeah, yeah. Just promise me you'll be there." I say nervously, I didn't really want Chase to see me looking like shit, but he's better than nothing I guess.

It was that moment that nurse Biatch decided to make an entrance. I physically have to prevent myself from rolling my eyes at her.

Why she feels the need to barge into my house and bother Chase is beyond me. And yes, she knows he's married to me, but that doesn't stop her from laying it on thick.

She struts right past me and clings onto Chase's arm, "let's go out today!" Oh, what a great plan. Not.

"Yeah, let's go!" I say in the sweetest voice I could manage. "Who said I invited you?"

"You invited my husband, and half of him is me, so technically you're inviting me by inviting him." She looked extremely confused for a few minutes, and CK just chuckles at me.

"How about I only invite the half of Chase that's not you?" I ground my teeth together in frustration.

"It doesn't work that way." I am actually not even caring what happens now. My stomach is hurting and I'm getting a headache. I need a nap.

"Fine. Do whatever, I'm going to go take a nap in our bed." I say looking at NB pointing between CK and I.

Chase seemed upset that I gave up, but as I recall it he always wants me to give up on a fight, or drop a subject completely. I stuck my tongue out at him to prove I'm perfectly fine, just tired.

He smiled, but when he looks down at NB, his expression changes to a bit of a wince momentarily. Like that new nickname I got for her?

Wasn't he the one who told me to be nice to her? Well well. Look where it got us. Little tramp in my house thinks she can steal Chase, well she's got another thing coming. Okay, true that may be a little much, but hey, we never asked for her to come barging into our lives.

But now I'm wondering if maybe we cheer her up. Maybe she was tired of her life, and wanted someone to make her happy.

I really miss Ven. So while Chase is out I decide to go ahead and give her a call.

"Hi best friend!" She says as soon as she picks up. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too! What has been going on since I've left?"

"Well, me and Leo have been going out more." Leo is the hushy hush guy we double dates with.

"Oh? Are you two exclusive?" I ask, knowing Venessa didn't like commitment, but hoping a guy would change that for her.

"Nah, but he wants to. I'm just not sure."

"You should give it a try. You may be surprised." I say, hopeful that she'll take my advice.

"We'll see, so what's going on with you? Where's Me. Teddy Bear?" I chuckle at her reference to Chase. "He's out with NB, she kind of forced him."


"Nurse Bitch." I clarify for her, "ah."

"Listen, Ven. I have to tell you something but I don't want you to freak out." I remember I haven't told her about the doctors. "Okay..." She says reluctantly.

"I have to have surgery this Thursday." 

"WHAT?" She all but screams into the phone. I try to calm her down and explain things, but even then she wasn't keen on calming down.

Instead she makes a rash decision, "I'm coming there, I'm getting a plain ticket and heading there tonight."

"V, you don't have to do that, really."

"Really, I do. You're my best friend Mol! I'll be there to support you."

A smirk appears on my face, "fine, but only if I can repay you for your ticket."

"Mol, I don't want your money-"

"And, if you can bring Leo. Those are the conditions either take it or leave it."

FINE!" I laugh loudly at her tone, "great, then I'll see you soon! If we're still asleep, then the door will be unlocked."

"Great! Just send me the directions." So I hang up on her to send her our address.

Then I call Chase to tell him. "Hey Mol." My stomach gets butterflies from the raspy way he says my name.

"Hey. Venessa's coming over tonight." I hear a long pause, "I think that'll be good for you."

"Are you having a good time with the one-who-shall-not-be-named?"

"Well. I guess it's something but I'm not sure I'd classify it as a 'good time' per se." I chuckle at his exhausted voice.

"Come home." I say. Short and to the point, I changed my mind about being okay with him out with another girl. I'm selfish, sue me. I hear his voice hitch, "I'll be there soon." And then he hung up.

I stare at the phone for a minute before hanging it up. Then I flop backwards onto the bed. This bed really is very comfy.

Maybe I'll just take a nap. I have noticed I've been pretty tired as of late.


Hey guys!

Sorry I didn't get this up on Friday but some plans changed- I ended up going to carowinds!

It was sooo much fun!

Comment if you've been there! And put a bee emoji (🐝) if you rode Fury!! If you're on a computer then put a heart (<3)

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed!



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