Sleeping Beauty

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@laia233 thanks for all the wonderful support love!


The next day, I had to do everything in my power to avoid nurse bitch. It's like every time I'm at a vending machine, or getting myself a cup of coffee, I always see her standing a little ways off, giving me this odd creepy death stare.

Finally, I snapped, because why did I deserve this shit? "Oh, like its a sin to have sex in a hospital!" I all but yell sarcastically. I probably shouldn't have even suggested that we had done that, because we hadn't, although we both knew what she was insinuating.

My cheeks instantly turn a bright shade of red as I notice everyone looking at me like I've grown a second head. "Not like we were!" I stated, a little more unsure this time. But now it sounded unbelievable. Crap.

"I swear!" If the nurse's stare could kill, I would be scattered in pieces across the hospital floor for the poor janitor on duty to clean up. Ok, that's too dramatic, even for me.

"Young lady, I would appreciate it if you'd watch your tone." I all but roll my eyes as I leave, heading towards Chase's room, "he asked me not to let you in to see him today." I scoff, he wouldn't. Would he?

I mean, sure getting caught in a compromising situation is kind of embarrassing, but why would he not let me in to see him?

He was avoiding me, that much was sure. "What do you mean he doesn't want to see me?"

"He told me how you seduced him, you witch!" I narrowed my eyes at this woman who calls herself a nurse, "ok, I don't know how you got your job, especially when you're harassing guests."

"However much he paid you yesterday has to be enough, now leave the poor man alone!"

Oh. Hell. No.

She did not just call me a prostitute! "What is wrong with you?" She's a nurse from hell, that's what's wrong with her. I wanted to give her a few choice words of my own, but I refrained from doing so. I was going to see CK today.

I threw my cup of water on her, almost expecting she'd melt like the wicked witch she is. "How dare you!?" She then went on a rant about her calling security after she cleaned up her face. Although I can't say I cared.

"How much makeup do you wear?" I asked incredulously, her face was practically melting off. She scoffed loudly before running crookedly to the restroom tripping on her feet as she went, "that's the men's room," I told her as she almost ran into the women's room.

She turned around and went through the other door, and I snicker. "Haha, what an idiot." I spoke to myself quietly.

I took this chance to hurry into CK's room before queen bitch came back with an agenda from the devil himself.

"CK, I can't believe you're avoiding me!" I say loudly as I entered his room, but stop short when I see that he's actually sleeping for once.

My breath caught in my lungs as I sat next to his bed, he was beautiful.

I leaned forward, coming closer to his face. My fingers traced the outside of his palm. He just seemed so... Peaceful.

"What are you doing?" He muttered, and I scream jumping up quickly.

Unfortunately for me, too quickly, as I trip over my own feet and fall on my face.

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