The Discovery of Something

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PG-13 material, kind of... Anyway, you've been warned



Toby and I parted ways, and I decided to go back to the hospital. I was surprised to see Sylvia standing a little down the hallway, she looked even paler than before, and she's lost weight. So soon?

We only saw her a couple weeks ago and now she's frailer than she should be for her age. What illness does she have? I smile as she turned to me, worry lines etched their way across her face.

"What's wrong?" I ask when I approach her, "well, other than you trying to kill my son, I just talked to the doctor." I knew she was playing, since she grabbed my hands and winked at me.

"And?" I ask, hopefully he'll be able to go home today. "They found an underlying heart condition. The doctor said that if anything you saved his life, despite everything." Huh. That's ironic.

My heart dropped at the mention of a heart condition, "oh don't worry, it's not as serious as mine. I know he's probably told you by now that this has always been a possibility for him." I scrunch my nose, of course he didn't tell me. He doesn't even know me all that well. We've only just started to be nice to each other, and even then he can still be pretty rude. I've just learned to ignore it.

"He hasn't. Oh dear." She pulled me into a seat, "see, I have a very rare heart condition. The doctors don't know how to cure it, but with all the tests they've done, they've always thought it was hereditary." My stomach clenched at the thought of Chase being as ill as his mother.

She's deteriorated so fast, and Chase is so young. "As I said dear, don't worry it's nothing serious. For now they just say to take it as easy as he can. But they need to keep an eye on him."  I nodded in understanding, I pray Chase's heart condition doesn't further.

I want him to be healthy, so that I can be mean to him without feeling bad about it.

No, I honestly didn't want anything bad to happen to him. Without him, who else would aggravate me to no end?

Toby only scolds me in a brotherly way, and he's much too mature to pick with me. Only Chase can do that and me be completely ok with it. "I have a favor to ask of you." Sylvia said, snapping me out of my reverie.

"Yeah, anything."

"You're good for him. Trust me, I know this whole marriage thing is a scam I'm supposed to believe, but did you two actually think I was born yesterday?" My eyes widened at the fact that she knew this whole time, "I know everything Molly. I know about the deal. But despite that, I think you're a good girl and I see chemistry. Much better than the previous girl he was with." She shuttered involuntarily, before continuing.

"Anyway, just keep an eye on him, will you? I know he says he's taking it easy, but that's not always the case. He works too hard. But I think you have ways of bringing him away from his work. You have power girl, work it." I widened my eyes, did she really think I was able to distract him from his work?

I didn't think so. We really haven't even spent that much time together.

"And, me knowing about this? It's a secret between you and me. Chase is going to get the money I have either way. It's already in my will." She's been so nice to me. And for some reason, the thought of her dying is so unbearable that I actually cry.

"Now now, don't cry. We all have our times in this world. Mine will just come a little sooner. But I've accepted it, as should you. This world can bring an bearable heartbreak, but beyond the shattered pieces, there will be someone standing there, behind each door you open and each door you close. You've got to realize then, that sometimes the doors choose us. And there's always a reason for that, whether it be good or bad." Honestly, that only made me cry harder. This wasn't some novel where a good friend gives me advice and I immediately stop crying, no. I continue to cry, and dribble snot (as disgusting as that may be) all over Sylvia's shirt.

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