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Hope you enjoy the rest of the chapter;)

As far as I could tell, Calvin Klein was back to his normal self, there was nothing to hold back his attitude towards me anymore, and he was finally out of the hospital.

After sneaking in the other night, butch nurse barged in with a coffee in her hand, and decided that it was illegal for me to be there, so she basically shoved me out the door while handing the coffee to CK as if that would win his everlasting love. As if.

Since then, she's basically invited herself in to the house whenever, and she gets away with it too. She'll just take it upon herself to join us for breakfast, and CK just lets it happen.

So, it's almost impossible for me to talk at all when dinner or breakfast roles around. Every time I do try to involve myself into a conversation, Haley, as I've noted he name, acts as if I'm the one in the way.

Excuse me hoe, were you verbally invited here like I was? I think not.

She'd put on an act of niceness around Chase, which just furthered my dislike towards her.

This morning, Chase wanted to see me in his room, for some odd reason.

I stood inside his room. It was spotless, dark colors bathed the room in an elegant way. Only Chase can pull this kind of eloquence and actually make it look good.

"Molly. We need to talk." My heart raced, oh crap. Does he remember me cursing while he was choking? Was he trying to get rid of me? Did he want to kill me for stabbing my fork into the table the other day?

Okay, that last one he'd already yelled at me for, but still! Chase isn't exactly known for letting things go.

"I think you need to be nicer to Haley." Wait. Wait. Wait... Wait. What?

He wanted me to be nice to the woman who is currently barging her way into my life unwanted? And into his!

She's so ugly to me though! How can he not see that she was the one being mean to me? This is so messed up.

Oh, wait. Oh no, no, no! Chase cannot like her! That would explain why he was nice to her from the beginning, and why he wants me to be nice to her.

How crappy of him . I basically seethe with anger, he's such an idiot! And I needed to vent to Toby.

"In case you haven't noticed, she's been mean to me!" He rolled his eyes as if I was being dramatic. I definitely wasn't!

"Molly, did you ever think that maybe she's had a hard life, and maybe that's why she acts like that?

Did you ever think that maybe I've had one too?

But you don't see me going around being mean to people for no reason.

"Whatever Chase, go have fun with that prostitute, because I'm not going to be a shoulder to cry on when you find out how she really is." She breaks things. I see his eyes turn cold towards me, and he grabbed my wrist, spinning me around.

"Molly, I have been holding my tongue, but I will not tolerate this kind of behavior in my own house. Especially from someone who is barely invited here." Wait, what?

He all but forced me to be in his house, what the hell? Tears brimmed my eyes, we're back to this?

He keeps hurting me, when I've done nothing but try with him. I care, and he stomps all over my emotions like I'm not a human being. "I can see why Beverley left. All this time I've been feeling bad for you, thinking you were like me. But no. You're nothing like me. You're cruel and heartless, and flat out rude to me, and I'm done." I saw a flicker of something in his eyes, sorrow?

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