Before Molly

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Below is just a little flash back to Chase's life before Molly came along. It's not long, and you're gonna hate his ex. But anyway- I asked you guys what would make you more interested in reading this book-and you all answered! So thank you to those who did!;) I love you guys! I saw a few people interested in making a one shot, but I want to get more people before I start a competition:)

Also, I would really appreciate it if you guys vote for what you like!:) I would love to get my novel out there! (Although, those of you whom are voting I appreciate it with all my heart, you guys put a smile on my face everyday) (: thank you everyone!


I glance over my shoulder at my beautiful fiancé. God how did I ever get so lucky? What did I ever do to deserve her?

I never thought in a million years that I would get married at twenty.

But life happens in mysterious ways. While she's sleeping, I watch her bare chest rise and fall, and all I can think of is her sheer beauty.

I shower before dressing, I leave a note for her as I leave to go get us coffee.

On the way back, I stop to pick up a bouquet of roses. I even stop off at mom's house to pay her a visit.

By two, I wonder why she hasn't called, but I keep my thoughts at bay by chatting with mom.

She's probably still sleeping.

When I get home, I find male pants by the doorway. Not my pants. What the?

I keep going, the nervousness increasing as I roam throughout the house. I hear noises towards my bedroom, and when I open my door, low and behold there she is. riding the man I called my best friend.

A part of me died that day. And my trust in females left with it.


Molly's point of view

I make it back to the hotel to find a frantic Chase, "where have you been?" He all but shouts at me. "With Venessa, why?"

"Ha. What were you doing? Screwing someone while at it?" He asked brutally. Wow. That's what he thought of me? An easy whore?

And not a day after he got done banging Venessa's brains out too. He's one to talk. I'm not even going to discuss with him that I'm a virgin, or that I've never even thought about touching a man like that after my uncle, but he persists anyway.

"No Chase. I prefer to satisfy my needs in other ways."

"Oh? Humor me."

"Alcohol, stupid. And even if I were with another guy, why would it matter to you?" I ask with venom in my voice.

"Because! I don't need a fluzy around me." Ouch. That hurt. I now know how he thinks of me.

"Well then, this fluzy is going to take off down the road." I don't need to stay in a place with another controlling man. They're all the same. All of them other than Toby. Never Toby.

But before I can make it to the door, he grabs my arm. I flinch, and inwardly cringe. I'm expecting him to hit me, and I feel my heart start to race.

Not again. Not again. No. No. No. No. No. No, no, no, no, no, no.

I don't even realizing I'm on the floor balling my eyes out until Chase tenderly touches my cheek. "Molly- I'm sorry. Please stop crying, I'm so sorry."

My tears dry up almost immediately when I realize he's not going to hit me. "I would never-"

"Hurt me? Yeah, that's what my uncle said, along with my ex-fiancé. But that never stopped them."

"I'm not like them."

"All men are like them."

"No they aren't." I sigh, knowing I'm being impossible. Chase wouldn't ever hurt me, and I believe that. But I just shut down. There are some situations in my life that I'm bound to do that- even though it hurts those around me. I feel terrible, because I know I'm horrible at conflicts.

"I know, I'm sorry." I finally say quietly. He studied my face before pulling me over to the bed. We lay together cuddling, which surprises me, until I drift off to sleep.

When I finally wake up, I think I'm hallucinating-no, really.

Chase stands in the kitchen with a sombrero on his head, and a couple of maracas in his hands. "What in the name of God?" I whisper to myself.

Chase begins to sing wildly to Elvis Presley while dancing to himself, and it takes all that is in me not to laugh at him.

Because honestly, the only thing I can think of is that SpongeBob episode where Squidward dresses up for that Seabear. Oh god. I'm going to laugh. I'm a grown adult and all I can think of is- Squidward is in my freaking presence.

But, I know when I do laugh I'm going to ruin the moment. I can do this.

The next thing I know, he's on the counter dancing like an idiot. Albeit he is one. Ok, I'm really wondering if he took something.

"Holy crap this is Snapchat GOLD." I say while reaching for my phone slowly. I video him, snickering-this is so funny, I can't even.

I even posted a video on tumblr, because I'm evil, and there's so many gifs that accompany this moment, I swear.

It wasn't even ten minutes before my Snapchat started to explode with comments, and I think I totally fucked up, because Chase is gonna be pissed when he sees that this went viral in a matter of minutes.

Just enjoy your pretty little self up there CK, because once you get off this high you've got going on, you're world is going to burn. Que the evil laugh.

I decided that I'd at least let him know I'm awake, "what in the holy hell are you doing?"

He jumps, completely startled that I've caught him in his outrageous act. This is so awkward, that I burst out laughing. I'm laughing so hard tears roll down my face, and when I look up at him he's on his phone frowning.

"It wasn't that funny. Squidward, really?" Que me laughing even harder.

"This is going to ruin my reputation with my guy friends. Seriously, thanks a lot."

"You're welcome."

Short, I know I'm so sorry for that and the lateness- though I just got back from Disney world and stuff, and you know, I thought I needed to post something-and my mind is still spinning in vacation mode, so I apologize for the crappy chapter.

But anywho, I just rode my first freaking rollercoaster and it was so much fun!!:)



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