City of Love

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I suppose I don't have to tell you, because the story is already posted as mature... but I suppose just as a warning there will be a scene in here that isn't appropriate to some audiences- I won't go into too much detail, I may post a separate story just for the forbidden pages of my stories but I don't know yet, all depending on how you guys react:)

P.S. I've never written a scene like this before, so any type of constructive criticism is great;) key word; constructive.

Hope you all enjoy;)


Chase carried my bag to the room, and we all stayed up pretty late to play Monopoly, a game in which I haven't played in centuries.

Of course, being him, Chase won. I guess business has its kicks.

"Bye guys, see you tomorrow!" I smile kindly towards the best people I've ever met as they collect their things to head to their room.

I feel the large arms of Chase wrap around me lovingly. "Has anyone ever told you that you're beautiful?"

"Oh I've been told a time or two." I say jokingly as he begins to kiss my neck. My heartbeat speeds up a million times faster than normal, and I think I may have a heart attack. Oh shit. Now I have that horrid Demi Lovato song stuck in my stupid head. What's wrong with me?

I feel sweat begin to form, in a good way I guess. He spins me around to face him before planting a mouth watering kiss on my lips. I practically melt in his arms, I mean, my legs stop working completely. But in one swift move, Chase was carrying me bridal style to the bed, our lips never leaving. A warmth spread all throughout my body.

This is it; this has got to be one of the most important moments in my life. I can't help but think how much love I have for my husband. How could we have ever hated each other?

"Are you sure you're ready?" I nodded quickly before I slipped my shirt off over my head. I don't think I've ever been more sure about something in my entire life.

I know my Chase. And I know he'd never hurt me.

He bathed me with love and kisses, he treated me like a fragile piece of glass. This is nothing like my uncle, or my ex. He began trailing kisses down my torso, until he hit my panties. He eyed me mischievously before he slid my underwear off with his teeth. I chuckled at him, surprised I could feel anything but nervousness.

He climbed back on top of me before planting more kisses on my breasts, placing several hickeys as he went. He touches me with so much love, so much care. Before entering, he looks me deep into the eye before giving me a deep kiss. He stares at me worriedly, "I'm fine you idiot just hurry up." His one hundred watt smile makes my heart go into overload. Before he slowly begins to enter me.

HOLY CRAP. Abort. Abort. I'm a dirty liar. I wasn't ready. Motherfucker. Holy. I can't. I'm dead. Put me in a coffin. THAT HURT. 

I wince, but I try to hide it because I don't want to worry Chase, but to be not so subtle, HE IS HUGE. Like what the flying fu- "Molly? Are you okay sweetheart?" I sit in silence for a moment, willing away the tears before I speak. "No. why didn't you tell me you're bazooka was the bazooka of a GIANT?" I'm trying to lighten the mood, I never really have liked being the helpless girl who always gets hurt. I like when no one has to worry about me, when someone can give me one look and say, 'wow, she's so strong. She can take care of herself.'

"Sorry Mol, I'll go slower."

"No. I can take it just do it."

"Molly now why would I want to hurt you purposely?

"Cause I can take it. Just do it already Jeez I'm growing grey hair."

"Are you serious right now?"


"You're such a dude, like you're seriously whipping out the ruler right now? I want to make this enjoyable for you."

"And all I'm saying is that it will be enjoyable for me after I get past this part."

"Well I suppose that I'm happy you can't exactly force me to go a different pace, and I refuse to hurt you Molly! You're being kind of ridiculous!"

"Okay okay! I don't wanna fight!"  Even though I told him several times I'd be okay, he still went slow anyway. Which still hurt, so I don't just see why it had to be slow- he could've just gotten it all over with quickly instead of dragging out pain. But anyway, it did start to slowly begin to feel better. To the point to where I am moaning. Pretty loudly too. 

Afterward, we talked about everything under the sun. We smiled, we laughed, and we even cried.

The next morning, our friends pile into the room- smiles adorning their faces. "What are you guys so happy about?"

"Oh, we're definitely not as happy as you, but I'm happy we're going to the museum!" I felt as if there was a small dig at me in that sentence.

"What does that mean?" V looked to her left at Leo, but he just shrugged. "Nothing." She ended when Leo's face starts to turn red.

"No, what does it mean?" I ask curiously. She just continues shaking her head even though I'm now shaking her shoulders for the answer, giggling the whole time.

"IT MEANS WE ALL KNOW YOU TWO BANGED LAST NIGHT." Finally, Toby answered my question aggravated.

"Wow." I say after a long silence, "who pissed in your Cheerios this morning?" I spurt out before I could stop myself.

"I have a splitting headache, so can we just get this day over with?" I shrug before shoving myself out the door. Chase entwined his fingers with mine, before starting to hum. I smile, and rest my head on his shoulder. What would I do without him?

We stopped by a small bakery on the corner of the street, we had all agreed to try the real French macaroons, just to cross it off our bucket list.

We walked around all day, visited museums, tried all the desserts, placed a lock on the infamous bridge, then drove to the Eiffel Tower as our last stop.

It almost felt bittersweet. Chase and I shared a kiss beneath the beautiful structure. But by midnight, we would all be jet lagged and truly exhausted from a flight home.

I almost wanted to beg Chase to stay, but I knew he wouldn't have it. I have surgery, and life needs to come back to reality.

"This has been the most wonderful surprise, anyone has ever given me." I whisper in Chase's ear as we begin to dance under the tower. "Thank you CK." I say, but I hide my face to conceal the tears.

"I don't ever want to let this go." I say quietly. "Then don't." Is his simple answer.

And maybe I won't.

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