Chapter 1 - Off to London

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As I read the letter, that was actually meant for George, I can't help but feel that I should go to London, that I have an obligation as an assassin to help those who are apart of the Creed. 'I must go to London as soon as possible. The city must be free of Templar control.'  My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a door opening. I quickly threw the letter onto the desk and ran behind it, hiding from whoever had entered. Footsteps approached the desk and I held my breath, hoping to not be caught. It was silent for a few moments, before whoever it was had spoken.

"I know you're there (Name)." I let out a sigh and stood up from where I was hiding, only to see George standing there, his arms crossed over his chest. "Now, what were you doing, hiding behind the desk?"

"Oh you know, just finding some new hiding spots, since you know about all the others."

"(Name.)" I could tell by the tone of his voice that he didn't believe me. "What were you really doing?"


"Oh really? Then why is the letter not in its original spot? Why has it been moved?"

"A sudden draft came through the window."

"Really? So, you just happen to be here the exact same time the letter was moved by the 'sudden draft'?" I raised my hands up in defeat, knowing that I can't lie to the man who practically raised me. 

"Alright, you caught me. I was in here looking for you when I came across the letter. I know I wasn't supposed to read it, since it was addressed to you, but I got curious and wanted to see what it was all about and I'm glad I did."

"You can't just read letters that are meant for others."

"I know, but I was really curious."

"And what exactly did you read?"

"That London is in desperate need of assistance."

"Yes, I'm well aware of that."

"Then why haven't you written back, or even sent any aid? This Henry Green has written to you thrice and not once have you responded, you've been nothing but silent."

"I know I have, but it's not yet time to strike."

"When is it the time?"

"(Name) listen, the Templars are far too strong, we can't just go off and slaughter every one of them in sight."

"I'm aware of that. But, they're only getting stronger each and everyday unless someone stops them."

"The council shall guide us, we cannot act without their consent."

"Then why haven't they done anything? Why haven't they given us any orders in regards to London?"

"Patience (Name)."

"Patience, that's all I hear." I let out a sigh as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"And that's all you're ever going to hear until such a time. There is nothing you can do to change the council's mind. We will wait until such a time comes to strike back."

"Maybe I can't change their mind, but that doesn't mean that I have to wait here and do nothing for the time being."

"You are to stay here and wait for further instructions, no matter how long that may be."

"I'm sorry George, but I've been nothing but patient for so long and nothing has happened, I've heard nothing. I can't just stay here, waiting for the council to act, while London is in need of help. The longer I don't do anything, the stronger they become. I will not sit idly by while they take control of everything. They must be stopped, and soon."

"I know how badly London needs more assassins, the council knows as well. But, the time to strike is not yet here."

"I'm not going to wait any longer."

"Then what do you intend to do? You've obviously had enough of waiting, so what are you going to do about London?"

"The letter indicates how badly the city needs more assassins, so I've decided that I'm going to London."

"Then what? Obviously you can't just leave without some sort of plan."

"Well, the first thing I'm going to do is find this Henry Green, and I'm going to do whatever I can to help."


"I'm sorry George, but no matter what you say, it will not change my mind. I can't just ignore this, and I'm not going to wait for the the council either." I could see the defeated look in his eyes.

"There's just no stopping you, is there?"

"No, there is not. Come on George, I'm an assassin, one who was trained by you for many years. It's my obligation to help those who are apart of the Creed. No matter the cost, no matter the risk, I will do what must be done, what needs to be done."

"You always were a stubborn woman, just like your mother." He whispered and I could hear the sadness in his voice, the sound of a broken man. You see, my mother had died not too long ago, it was one of the most heartbreaking moments of my life. Her death affected not only me, but George as well. Her and George were the best of friends, they grew up together, became apart of the Creed together and went on missions together. They were inseparable, one might think that they were together. However, that was not the case. Their friendship was nothing more than that, nothing more, nothing less. Did they ever have feelings for one another? I cannot say for I never knew. All I know is that they would've given their lives for each other, that's how close they were.


"You're mother would be so proud of you, of the woman you've become."

"I've done everything I could to be the woman she wanted me to be, the assassin she wanted me to be. Those Templars will pay for what they've done to her, and to everyone else."

"You've grown up well. Now, if I can't stop you from going to London, then I'll help you. The next train for London will be passing through shortly. If you are to leave, you better get yourself over to the station soon." I ran over to him and gave him a quick hug.

"Thank you."

"Just be careful, London is a dangerous place. You read about the Grand Master, and how dangerous he is. He must be stopped, so that London can once again belong to the people."

"He will fall, you have my word."

"Well then, you best be off. Just remember what you've been taught, what you've always been told."

"Don't allow personal feelings to compromise the mission."


"You have nothing to worry about. I'm an assassin, someone who doesn't have time for love. My focus is purely on the mission, nothing else matters."

"You've done well, I've taught you all that I can. Now, you should get going, or else you're going to miss the train."

"Thank you for everything George, I don't know what I would do without you." I gave him one last hug and then walked out of the room, headed towards the station and waited for the train to arrive. It wasn't long before it came passing through and I looked for an empty carriage and jumped on. 'Look out London, here I come.'

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