Chapter 13 - Unnatural Selection (Part 1)

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"So, this is the distillery the, now dead, distribution boss mentioned." I said once Jacob and I found the building where Soothing Syrup is being made. After taking care of the boss, we scaled building to building, looking for the distillery, which we happened to have found not long after.

"You know," Jacob begins to say and I couldn't help but look at him as he spoke. "I don't think your apology for killing that boss was even sincere at all, since you weren't actually sorry." He finished saying and I couldn't help but shrug and giggle very slightly from his words. 

"Not my fault he didn't specify exactly what he meant when he asked to go. When he asked to go, he should've explained what exactly he meant."

"Ah, so it's his fault that he ended dead then?"


"Well then, remind me to be specific whenever I ask you to go somewhere. I fear what may happen if I don't explain myself."

"That would be a good thing to remember, since you never know what I may do."

"Ok, now you're scaring me love."

"Good. What kind of assassin would I be if I don't happen to have people fear me every now and then?"

"I'm just going to try and stay on your good side from now on. I believe that would be the best thing to do." I couldn't help but find this very entertaining, how Jacob seems to actually be afraid of me right now.

"Aw, don't worry sweetheart, I wouldn't actually kill you. You're too adorable to kill." I couldn't help but ruffle his hair as I spoke, only to notice how soft his hair actually is and begin to run my hands through it. 'Wow, his hair is so soft. I could just run my fingers through it all day and never grow tired from it.' Before he could notice just how much I was enjoying running my fingers through his hair, I quickly pulled away and hid my blush from him. "Anyway," I begin to say as I clear my throat. "we should really focus on the mission." With that, I looked around and happened to notice how a man with white hair and a white beard was trying to get into the building, only to find that it's locked up tight. "Hey, look over there." I pointed the man out to Jacob. "Do you know who that man is?" I asked him as I pointed to the man.

"Nope, but I wonder just what is he doing." He replied.

"He seems rather interested in getting into the distillery. Could he be wanting to put a stop to Soothing Syrup as well?"

"Possibly." Nothing else was said as we continued to watch, however, I noticed how quite a few of Blighters were walking towards the building.

"We've got company." I said.

"Wonderful." Jacob said but, I could see how his eyes seemed to shine at the thought of a fight coming up.

"Keep a sharp eye out lads. Someone's targeting our network and the distillery could be next." The brute in the front said to those surrounding him. I looked away from them and noticed how there seem to be several Blighters surrounding the building itself. I activated my eagle vision and looked around, noticing how there seem to be a total of ten Blighters.

"There are ten Blighters in total that are surrounding the distillery." I said as I finished looking around.

"This will complicate things." Jacob said, to which I could only laugh at.

"Maybe if there was only one assassin to deal with them, which there happens to be two. And, if you look just over there," I said as I pointed towards a group of men who were a part of the Rooks, "you will see that there are some of our men over there. I'm sure they would love to help us out Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to rally those men." Without saying another word, I performed a leap of faith from the building and landed in a cart full of hay. Making sure that there were no Blighters near me, I jumped from the hay and stealthily made my way over to the Rooks. "Good day gentleman." I said as I approached them.

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