Chapter 30 - The shocking news

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Author's note: (Comes out from behind a corner) "Ummm...Hey there guys...Been a while..." (Lowers head and looks to the ground) "I'm so sorry that it's taken so long for this update..." (Lifts hands as a sign of surrender) "Please don't kill me! Because if you do, I wouldn't be able to update, and we don't want that..." (Giggles nervously) "So, on to the story now..."

I felt my heart stop and my eyes go wide in disbelief. I looked at Pearl's face and saw a smirk on her face, a smirk that says it all, that what she told me was nothing but the truth. I slowly backed away from her and took a step back. I could see Jacob look at me in confusion, clearly wondering what is going on. I tried to speak, to say anything, but not a sound would come out. Glancing towards Jacob, I gave him an apologetic look before running out of the train and out of the station, needing to get away from there and free from the words that poison my very soul and leave a bitter taste in my mouth. As I ran, only one thought ran through my mind,

'It just can't be true.'

Jacob's POV

I looked down in confusion as Pearl whispered something in (Name)'s ear, only to notice the look of shock and disbelief on her face. She slowly backed away from Pearl and took a step back, I could only look at her in confusion before she ran off. I wanted to chase after her, but something held me back from doing so. Instead, I dropped to my knees and said,

"What did you say to her?" I could see a smirk on Pearl's face as she replied,

"The truth." Before she closed her eyes and took her last breath. I wanted to know what exactly she meant, so I ran out of the train and out of the station, in hopes of finding (Name).

Time skip

I ran all around London, and not once was I able to find her. The sun was beginning to set and the sky was beginning to darken, I knew I didn't have much time left before I had to head back. With a defeated sigh, I made my way back to the train, where I found both Evie and Henry.

"Where have you been Jacob? And where is (Name)?" Evie asked.

"Good news is that Pearl is dead, you're welcome. As for (Name), she ran off to who knows where after Pearl said something to her. I tried to find her, believe me I did, but it was like she simply vanished into the night." I replied.

"Did you hear what Pearl said at all?" Henry asked, to which I just shook my head.

"Nothing at all."

"Don't worry Jacob, just give her time to process whatever it is that was said. She'll be back before you know it." Evie said as she placed her hand on my shoulder in a comforting way. All I did was nod my head before walking to the carriage I call my own, suddenly feeling exhausted from today's event. 'Wherever you are (Name), I hope you're ok.'

End of POV

After running for so long, I found myself in an alleyway and, clearly out of breath, decided to take a break and think about what I was told. However, the silence was disturbed by the sound of heavy footsteps. I looked to where they were coming from, only to feel a hand on my mouth, preventing me from speaking out.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? A lonely assassin out for a midnight stroll? " I glanced behind me and saw that it was a Blighter, with a few of his buddies behind him. My eyes widened in disbelief at the thought of being caught off guard, and trapped. I was about to flick my blade and attack, only to feel his other arm wrap around my body, my arms being pressed tightly against me, rendering my useless and unable to attack. For the first time in a while, fear coursed through my body, and it could be seen in my eyes. I tried to scream out for help, but it was no use, no one could hear.

"Now now, be a good girl and come with us. Resist, and it'll hurt." One of his buddies said, but I knew I couldn't give up without a fight. I started to thrash around, hoping to free myself, only to feel the breath slowly be sucked out of me as he squeezed my body tighter. I could feel myself become weak as black spots danced across my vision.

"Gee boss, we got ourselves a feisty one. You sure we can't have some fun before taking her to Starrick?" My body shivered at his words, knowing just what kind of fun this guy was talking about.

"That doesn't sound like such a bad idea." The 'boss' said, and my heart started to pound against my chest as my eyes widened in fear. "Unfortunately, she's the one Starrick's been waiting for. Gotta bring her back in one piece and unharmed." Before anything else was said, I felt him remove his hand from around my mouth and was replaced with a cloth.

"Be a good girl and just breathe." I knew what was on the cloth and held my breath, though it didn't last for long and found myself breathing in. I felt myself closing my eyes more and more as my body felt weak with each passing second.

"Goodnight, Princess." Was the last thing I heard before the world went black.

Time skip

My eyes fluttered open and I found myself in an unfamiliar room. I tried to move, only to find that both my arms and my legs had been tied to a chair.

"Where the hell am I?" I spoke out loud as I looked around, knowing that breaking free of my restraints was out of the question.

"Ah, look who's finally awake..." I heard a voice speak out. I looked around me and saw, who could only be, the one and only Crawford Starrick, the very man who is going down. "So nice to finally meet you after all these years, (Name), my dear daughter."

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