Chapter 18 - Torture

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A smile adorns my face as I look out the window, watching the peaceful look upon Jacob's face, a look in which I have not seen in such a long time, as he rests under a big tree, providing a lot of shade. I watched him for a few moments before deciding to join him on such a beautiful day.

Not long later, I approached him and saw that his eyes were closed. Without saying anything, I sat beside him and placed my head on his shoulder. Without saying a word, he placed his head-on top of mine while his arm wrapped around my waist, bringing me closer towards his body.

"Such a beautiful day, wouldn't you agree, love?" He said as his eyes remained closed.

"It is." I replied.

"But alas, it's beauty is nothing compared to yours. You simply outshine the very sun its self." I couldn't help but blush at his words as I buried my head in the crook of his neck. Even after all this time, his compliments still get to me, and he knew that.

"Honestly, must you always say such sweet things, you know they always make me blush."

"But your reaction is simply adorable, how could I not? And besides, I speak only the truth. You truly are beautiful (Name), no one can deny that." Before I could say anything, he turned his body around, wrapped both his arms around my waist and then moved me so that I was sitting on his lap. His arms remained around me while I placed my hands around his neck. "Besides, I'm the only one who gets to say these things to you, anyone else who does will not live to see another day." He arms tightened around me as he spoke.

"Calm down, you know if anyone else but you say the things you do then they are not going to like what comes next. Besides, I'm with you, no one else but you. And I don't want to be with anyone else but you."

"Good, because I am not letting you go anytime soon." As he spoke, he moved closer towards me, his face coming in within mere centimetres away from mine, I could feel his breath upon my lips.

"Good, because I wouldn't want you to." I closed the gap between us and placed my lips on his, kissing him softly and sweetly. He tilted his head to the side, deepening the kiss and pulling my body closer to his, to the point where I wrapped my legs around his waist. I threaded my fingers through his hair, slightly tugging it every now and then. He pulled away after a few seconds and said,

"Careful now, you keep that up and we're going to have to take this somewhere else." With a smirk on my face, I leaned over to his ear and whispered ever so innocently,

"What if that's what I want?" Nothing more was said as he got up, with my legs still wrapped around him, and walked into the house.

After what felt like such a long time, I could feel my eyes begin to flutter open, hoping to find myself somewhere familiar, only to end up disappointed as I found myself in an unfamiliar room, lying in what looks to be a stretcher, with two Brutes holding me down.

"Good morning Princess, you seemed to be having a sweet dream." The first one said.

"Too bad you had to wake up. At least now you can enjoy the fun." The second one said. I tried to free myself from the grasp, but they were too strong, thus all I could do was simply lie there as they held me down.

Wanting to figure out where exactly I am, I looked around me and saw a variety of equipment hanging on all four walls of the room. Noticing what exactly the equipment is, a feeling of fear begins to course through my body, a feeling I so very rarely feel, a feeling that leaves me most uncomfortable.

"Where the hell am I?" I questioned the Brutes, knowing that escaping was simply out of the question.

"Don't you worry about that. We've got someone who's going to take really good care of you." The first one said. Before I could say anymore, my head begins to pound and that was when I remembered exactly what happened before falling unconscious.

"You son of a bitch. What the hell is going on?" None of the Brutes said anything as the door opened and an unfamiliar man walked through.

"Ah, you're awake." He said as he walked over towards me.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Now, now, my dear. Who I am is of no importance, since you probably won't be surviving long enough to find out." Was his reply, and I couldn't help the feeling of dread that begins to course through my body.

"What are you planning to do with me?"

"Ah, that is the big question, is it not? You see, I needed someone to test on, and these men here happened to stumble upon you. My, when they told me about you, I just knew you would be the perfect test subject."

"So, that's it, I am but a mere test subject for you?"

"Well, more specifically your brain. But alas, that won't be until much later. For now, we're just going to have a bit of fun first, see how much pain you can endure before losing all consciousness. And, let's not forget about a wonderful medicine that eases the pain." When he mentioned medicine, I had a feeling I knew what medicine he was talking about.

"Let me guess, Soothing Syrup?"

"You are a smart one. Now then, enough talk, let's begin." With that said, he walked over to one of the walls and was inspecting, what looked to be, a whole range of knives, which he obviously chose the sharpest one. "Ah, this shall do just fine." He then walked over towards me with a smile of a maniac.

"Get the hell away from me!" I shouted out as my body begins to shake in fear the closer he gets to me.

"Now then, this shouldn't hurt, too much." As soon as he approached me, he places the knife on my leg, stabbing it into my thigh and dragging it down. I closed my eyes as a searing hot pain was all I felt as the knife went deeper and was dragged down from my thigh to my knee. I gritted my teeth in hopes of not giving him any satisfaction of the pain I felt, though it was proving to be a challenge.

"You son of a bitch." I breathed out as he pulled he knife out. I could feel my blood leaving my body and dripping to the floor. He then did it to my other leg, stabbing it deep within my thigh before dragging it down to my knee. All I could feel was a searing hot pain as both of my legs have been stabbed. I gritted my teeth once again, refusing to make a sound.

"Well now, you seem to be handling this rather well." Was all the man said before moving to my arms and doing the same thing he did to my legs. It was at this point that I was beginning to feel slightly dizzy from all the blood loss, but I refused to give into the darkness and close my eyes. "Let's try something else." Feeling slightly disorientated, I noticed that he brought over something to the side of the bed. I couldn't even say a thing as I was beginning to lose consciousness, however, that all changed when he placed something on the side of my head that sent bolts of electricity through my body, causing my eyes to open wide.

"AAAAHHHHHHHH!" I screamed out as my whole body jolted from all the electricity. It was shaking from the amount of electricity coursing through it.

After what felt like hours, it had finally stopped, though my body was twitching every now and then. From the blood loss to the electricity coursing through my veins, my body was drained of energy. I felt someone open my mouth and pour something down my throat, causing my senses to shut down. Black spots begin to cloud my vision and I couldn't fight them off for much longer.

"Rest now, my dear. I'll be seeing you again a little later." With that, all the men left the room, leaving me there all alone. The black spots begin to cloud my vision even more, and I knew it was only a matter of time before I lose myself to the darkness once more. Before passing out, I thought of the one person I want to see again, the one person I want to find me and save me. 'Jacob, please, find me soon, wherever I am. Please, save me.' Not being able to fight it any longer, my eyes rolled to the back of my head as I fell unconscious once more.

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