Chapter 4 - Conquering Whitechapel (Part 2)

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"So, who is this Templar we're after, what does he do and where can we find him?" I said to the twins as I found them not too long after helping Abberline with the criminal gang member. Evie grabbed a piece of paper out from her robe and said,

"His name is Harold Drake, who was recruited into the order because of his prowess in the trade of illegal goods of all nature and his gift in collecting underground information. It says here that he operates a Black Market, supplying explosives for the Blighter, and that he can be found in Whitechapel, the market to be exact."

"Well then, why don't we go and pay him a visit?" Jacob said and both Evie and I nodded our head, making our way to where the Templar resides. Not long later, we found ourselves among the many people who are shopping/looking around the market. I turned to the twins and said,

"Alright, I'm going to go further in and see what ways we can eliminate our target."

"Hold on love." Jacob said just as I was about to walk ahead. "Why don't we just charge right in, face them head on. A lot of time is saved that way."

"Or we could possibly end up dead because we underestimated our enemy. We need to know exactly how many enemies we are dealing with before we take action. We can't just charge straight in, sometimes a bit of planning is in order to be successful." I said and I could see Evie nodding her head in agreement.

"That may be true, but plans don't always go to plan." He said.

"That's because some people don't always follow directions. Listen Jacob, I can see that you're a man who loves a good fight, but sometimes a little planning can make all the difference. Besides, one of the three tenets of being an assassin is to hide in plain sight, blend in and become one with the crowd. What's the point of that if we charge right in and reveal who we are?" Before any of the twins could say anything, I walked away from them and further into the market, making sure to stick to the crowds and blending in, hiding myself from those who see me, an assassin, as the enemy. As I got closer, I closed my eyes, activated my eagle vision and looked around, noticing that there are six Blighters surrounding the market and five of them inside. I also noticed that the Templar we're after is near some crates with dynamite. I deactivated my eagle vision and looked around, looking for all possible ways to eliminate our target. After a few moments of looking around, I looked up and noticed an opened window on top of the building, which happens to be directly in view of the Templar, meaning that one of us could strike from there. Once I was done looking around, I made my way back to the twins.

"So, Miss (Name), what did you find?" Evie asked once they saw me.

"Please, (Name) is just fine. As to what I found, there appears to be six Blighters surrounding the market and five inside the building. Harold Drake is in the market, surrounded by crates full of dynamite."

"Great, so what are we waiting for? Let's go and kill ourselves a Templar." Jacob said, and just as he was about to walk off, I grabbed his arm, stopping him from going any further.

"Jacob, you can't just charge in, kill the enemy and think of escaping unscathed, or even surviving an attack like that. You'd be going against eleven Blighters, all at once. The chances of surviving that is slim."

"Are you doubting my abilities?"

"Of course not. Look if you want to fight them, then how about this? Evie," I turned towards her and continued speaking, "I saw an opened window on top of the building, what if you climb up the building and attack from there? It's in perfect view of the crates surrounded by dynamite, where the Templar can be found. All you need to do is shoot the crates, which will cause an explosion, killing the Templars and a couple Blighters in the process."

"Alright, and what will you and Jacob be doing?"

"Jacob and I will blend in with the crowds, get close to the Blighters and take them out. Once you shoot the crates, they will immediately start looking for you, so the remaining one will come and look for you. As soon as you've shot the crates, run out of the markets and lay low. Any Blighters coming after you will be taken care of by Jacob and I."

"And because they are too busy looking for me, they would never see you two coming." She replied.

"Exactly. That way, the Templar is dead, we get away with minimal casualties, Jacob gets his fight and Templar presence in Whitechapel will begin to disappear. It's a win-win situation."

"That's an excellent idea."

"What do you think Jacob?" I said as I turned towards him. "At least you still get to fight."

"Alright (Name), let's do it your way. The less casualties the better, and like you said, I still get a fight." He replied. With that, we made our way through, Evie going a different direction and began climbing the building. I looked at Jacob and said,

"Alright, I'll go left, you go right and take out the Blighters outside the market, that way we give Evie more time of escaping since the ones in the market would have to push through the crowds, slowing them done with as they push through the crowds. It gives us a chance to meet them head on."

"Alright, let's do it." He replied and with that, we split up. As I was walking through the crowds, I came across one of the Blighters and pulled up my hood, making my way over to him. Once I was close enough, I placed my arm over his mouth, flicked my wrist and buried the blade deep within his neck killing him instantly. A few people around me saw what happened and screamed in fright, catching the attention of the two other Blighters patrolling outside. They began walking over to investigate the noise and I took the chance to hide behind two crates that are stacked up one on top of the other. I waited for them to approach and, once they were close enough, I flicked my wrist and stabbed the closest one in the neck, pulling him behind the crate before the other one could notice. Before the other could even notice what happened to his friend, I ran out from behind the crate and, surprising the Blighter, flicked my wrist and plunged my blade into his stomach. He fell to the ground and slowly bleed out, his life slowly slipping away from him. Not long after, I heard the sound of a gunshot and an explosion soon following. I looked around and saw the crowds beginning to scatter in fear. I looked around and saw that Jacob was running over to me.

"Come on (Name), the remaining Blighters are beginning to look for Evie. Once of the Brutes spotted her jumping off the building and they are all giving chase."

"So what are we waiting for? Let's go and kill them." I said as I ran off, looking for them. As I ran, I looked beside me and saw Jacob with a look of amusement and eagerness in his eyes, knowing that he was looking forward to fighting. I couldn't help but giggle silently to myself as I watched him from the corner of my eye. However, that didn't last long as I noticed the five Blighters running and searching for Evie. A smirk appeared on my face as I pulled out my cane sword, ready for a fight. I glanced at Jacob and saw that he pulled out his initiate brass knuckles and put them on his fist, ready for a fight. He saw that I was looking at him and gave me a nod. With that, we ran forward and attacked the Blighters, catching them off guard. I went after the two closest to me as Jacob went for the other three. Before they could both get out their weapons, I smashed my cane sword over the first Blighter's head, leaving him clutching it as he became slightly unfocused. While he was distracted, I turned towards the other one and knocked him in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. While they were both recovering, I pulled the handle of my weapon, pulling out the sword and stabbed the first Blighter in the head, killing him instantly. Then, I turned towards the other one and stabbed him with the hidden scythe blade that's built into my cane sword. They both fell to the ground and bled out, their life leaving them. I looked over towards Jacob and saw that he was done with the Blighters as well. We glanced at each other, nodded and then ran off, leaving the market and in search of Evie. 

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