Chapter 11 - More about (Name)

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As I searched for Jacob, I couldn't help but think about what Henry had told me just moments ago. 'I certainly had no idea just how different, yet similar Jacob and Evie are. It's no wonder that they happen to clash with one another. At any rate, I'm glad Henry told me as it helps me to understand the twins a little better.'

"(Name)." I hear a familiar voice speak out. Dismissing my thoughts, I looked to see that it was the exact man that I've been looking for.

"Ah Jacob, I was just looking for you." I said.

"Oh, and why might that be love?" He replied and I couldn't help but blush once again at being called love. "Bloody hell, what has gotten into me?' I thought as I did the best that I could in preventing Jacob to see just how much a little word had effected me.

"I-I was wondering if I might be able to accompany you on the next mission you find yourself doing?" I mentally slapped myself for the slight stutter when I spoke.

"Are you sure you'll be recovered by then? I mean, you've only just gotten out of the hospital." I could hear the concern in his voice we he spoke.

"I just need a few days, then I'll be able to work again."

"Alright, I'll wait until you're well enough and then we'll go n see what we can find out about this so-called Soothing Syrup."

"Soothing Syrup?"

"Created by Starrick himself."

"Then it clearly can't be anything good."

"Indeed." Nothing else was said as we fell into a comfortable silence, which lasted only for a few moments before Jacob spoke up. "It occurs to me that I don't really know much about you. If I may, could you enlighten me by telling me more about yourself?"

"Why Mr. Frye, I had no idea you would be interested in a simple girl like me." I replied.

"Simple girl? I doubt any assassin is merely simple, considering our line of work. But I digress, since we are working together, it is only fitting that we learn more about one another."

"You make a valid point Jacob. What is it that you wish to know?"

"How long have you been an assassin?"

"Honestly, for many years. It feels as if this has been the only life I've ever known."

"So you began at a young age?"

"Truly, it feels as if I never even had a childhood to begin with as I've never had the chance to actually be a child. While most children would be running around outside, I would be inside, reading about other assassins and what The Creed entails. While children would be lying in bed listening to a bed time story, I would be outside, blending within the shadows as I stalked my target. While others were going to school to get an education, I was being taught how to throw knives, use a hidden blade and a gun, how to use the shadows to my advantage and everything else I needed to know in order to be an assassin."

"Generally, one doesn't even know about assassins until a certain age before they are deemed ready to become one. How come you started at such a young age? I mean, being an assassin means that you get your hands dirty as they become stained with blood. A child shouldn't have to witness, or even kill, such a thing as they are to young to be exposed to such a thing. They should be able to remain innocent for as long as they can, not be exposed to the dangers of the world."

"I agree wholeheartedly with you Jacob."

"Then why?"

"They say ignorance is bliss and it is, for a time. To be oblivious to the dangers of the world in order to live life when you're a child allows one to live so carefree, not having to worry about anything that could go bump in the night. It is truly a blessing to not have to worry about things as a child but, to be oblivious to things as a child, that was taken from me."

"Taken from you? How so?"

"Honestly, I could say my life wasn't all that bad. I mean, I had a loving mother who would do everything in her power to provide for the both of us."

"Had a mother? What happened to her?"

"I remember the day perfectly. I was out, working on improving my skills so that one day I could call myself a Master Assassin. I had been training vigorously non-stop, from dawn to dusk. By the time I had stopped, I was drenched in sweat, from head to toe. Wanting nothing more that a nice, relaxing bath I made my way home. Upon arrival, I noticed how quiet the place was, as if no one was even living there in the first place. With a dreadful feeling beginning to course through my veins, I opened the door, only to stop dead in my tracks. I was greeted with the sight of blood splattered and smeared upon the walls, the windows and even the floor. However, the worse sight was seeing my mother literally torn to pieces right in front of me." My body begins to shake as the image of my deceased mother flashed through my mind and tears begin to form on my eyes.

"I'm so sorry (Name), I shouldn't have asked." Jacob said as he wrapped his arms around me, embracing me. I couldn't help but notice how safe and secure I feel in his arms and, as if it were a natural instinct, I found myself placing my head against his chest. The soothing sound of his heartbeat managed to calm me down.

After a few moments of being embraced I, although rather reluctant to do so, slowly pulled away from him.

"Thank you. I hadn't realised just how much I needed that until now." I said.

"I'm glad I could be of assistance. However, I am sorry for conjuring up a rather sad memory, I didn't mean to." He replied.

"It's alright. I did need to tell someone eventually. Thank you for being that someone."

"You're welcome. I know we might not have known each other that long but, if you need someone to talk to, I'm willing to listen."

"You're not getting soft on me now, are you Jacob?" I asked in a teasing tone.

"Me, being soft? In your dreams love."

"Only you Mr. Frye, only you." I couldn't help but giggle at how we were acting, to which Jacob laughed just a bit as well. Honestly, it sounded like music to me ears, hearing him laugh.

"Anyway," Jacob begins to say. "What happened after you found your mother?"

"As much as I didn't want to see anymore, I walked into the house to investigate. It wasn't long before I had stumbled upon a note." I replied.

"What did it say?"

"Run away and never come back, or else you're next. Without so much as a second glance, I placed up my things and ran away. I didn't even give my mother a proper goodbye in fear that I would end up dead. I felt so guilty, I still do, but I was also scared."

"I'm sorry you had to go through that. No one should ever go through something like that."

"It's alright, it's in the past and that's where it should stay."

"Do you know who did it?"

"No. Even to this day I still have no idea as to who is responsible."

"What about your father? What happened to him?"

"I don't know. I never knew my father and mother never spoke of him. I imagine he's not a pleasant man if she never talked about him."

"Do you want to know who he is?"

"Why would I? He's never been there as I was growing up, why would I want him in my life now?"

"I suppose that's a fair point. Anyway, thank you (Name), for enlightening me."

"Anytime Jacob, anytime."

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