Chapter 20 - It wasn't your fault

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My eyes flutter open, but it feels as if I'm still asleep as I look around and see nothing but darkness. I reach out my hand to try and find something, anything to give me an indication as to where I am. But alas, I feel nothing but air. I can't even tell if I'm standing or sitting, it feels as if I'm floating. I look to the left, I look to the right, but still there is nothing but darkness. My head feels hazy as I try to recall what happened to me, but I only remember small fragments. Blood, torture, screaming, my body convulsing, the agonising pain, I lift my hands and clutch my head as a pounding sensation takes over the more I try to remember.

"Where am I?' I said out loud, though my voice was strained, hoping that someone, anyone, would be able to answer my question. Unfortunately, it appears that I'm all alone in, what seems to be, this endless void. "Why am I here?" Once again, I was met with silence, a sound that is worse than anything you could possibly imagine, for this silence is deafening and makes me feel all alone.

Lonely would be used to describe how I'm feeling right now, a feeling I am unfamiliar with as I've always had a least one person by my side. At first, it was my mother, but after she passed away it had been George. Now, I have Evie, Henry and Jacob, the man who I have come to care for in a short amount of time. I just don't know how to deal with these feelings, but it seems I would have to worry about them later as I need to figure out what exactly is going on.

(Name)." I heard a familiar voice call out somewhere within the darkness. 'Jacob?' I thought as I tried to look for him, but I couldn't find him anywhere. Suddenly, I could feel warmth coming from my hand, as if someone was holding it right now, while tracing random patterns on it with their thumb. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you when that damn bastard had you. If only I had come looking for you sooner, this wouldn't have happened to you." He begins to say, and I could tell he was blaming himself. I wanted to tell him that I don't blame him, nor that it wasn't his fault that I had ended up in that place but, I felt as if he wouldn't be able to hear me while I'm stuck in this void.

Jacob's POV

After escaping the asylum, I took (Name) straight to the train, being very mindful of sticking to the shadows and making sure that no Blighters had spotted us. If they did, well, I don't think I would be in such great shape for a fight since I would be worrying about (Name) the whole time. It took a while, but we were finally back on the train and I put her on the bed as soon as possible. Evie noticed us as I was placing her gently on the bed.

"What's happened?" She said as she took in (Name)'s appearance.

"I don't know the whole story but it appears that Dr. Elliotson got his hands on her and did this to her." I replied.

"Are you alright?" I could tell that she was worried about me as she asked this question, purely because of how much I care about (Name).

"It was horrible Evie. There was so much blood, and her body was twitching every now and then. When she awoke, she was disorientated and had trouble speaking, and she barely said anything. It was like her body was exhausted and needed to shut down to regain her energy." Nothing but fury coursed through my body as I thought of her lying on the stretcher. Evie placed her hand on my shoulder and said,

"Calm down Jacob, she's here now, safe and sound. But, she also needs you right now, so you need to calm down and be right by her side so that when she wakes up, you'll be the first person she sees." She begins to leave as she finishes speaking, however, I speak up before she goes.

"Don't you want to be here when she wakes up?" I asked.

"She would want to see you more than me. I know you'll look after her Jacob, so be there for her." Nothing else was said as she left the carriage, leaving me all alone with (Name). I sat down beside her and grabbed her hand, tracing random patterns on it with my thumb.

"(Name)." I begin to say, as I tried to gather my thoughts on what happened. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you when that damn bastard had you. If only I had come looking for you sooner, this wouldn't have happened to you." My heart feels heavy as nothing but guilt courses through me. I lowered my head and looked to the floor, not being able to look at her wounds without thinking that it was my fault that this happened to her. The guilt is eating me alive.

I had let go of her hand and placed it gently on the bed as I got up and looked for something to wipe up all the blood, as well as some alcohol to disinfect the wounds. I had found what I was looking for not long after and returned to her side. As carefully as I could, I ripped away the clothing that was covering the wound, being very mindful of how much was needed to be removed so that I can clean the wound. Once the clothing was out of the way, I put some alcohol on a piece of cloth and dabbed at the wound, flinching just a bit as she winced a little from the pain. I looked up at her face, hoping to see her beautiful e/c eyes, but they were still closed.

"I'm so sorry (Name)." I said as I finished cleaning up all her wounds. Once that was done, I placed the cloth and alcohol on the bedside table, then I grabbed her hand once again. Not long after, I felt her squeeze my hand.

"I-It's not y-your fault J-Ja-cob." The sound of her voice caused me to look up at her and saw that she was looking at me with a type of softness in her eyes, showing that she doesn't blame me. Knowing that her throat must be dry, I quickly grabbed her a glass of water, which she finished very quickly. "Thank you." Was all she said once she finished it.

"(Name), I..." Was all I could say before she interrupted me.

"Jacob Frye, I swear, if you apologise once more, I'm going to hit you, with my blade." She glared at me as she spoke, and I immediately stopped talking. "Stop apologising for it wasn't your fault. If anything, it was mine because I was too much of a coward to face you after what I said about what nearly happened between us." Her words reminded me about the kiss we almost shared and I so desperately wanted to speak to her about it, but I knew that now wasn't the right time.

"Let's just forget about that for the moment. Tell me, are you alright?" Before I knew it, she had her arms around my neck as her face was buried in my chest. I could feel her tears soaking into my clothes, but that didn't matter as I wrapped my arms around her, bringing her closer to my body as I embraced her.

"It was horrible, the things they did. I have never felt that much pain before in my whole life, and I never want to again. I'm so glad that you were there, I'm so glad that you were the one who saved me. Thank you, Jacob." As she thanked me, she looked up at me and I looked down at her. Upon noticing the tears falling from her face, I lifted my hand and brushed them away with my fingers. I then placed my hand on her cheek and caressed it as I looked deeply into her eyes.

"I'm just happy that you're back, you have no idea how much I missed you." My words were nothing more than a whisper. As I looked into her eyes, I couldn't help but glance at her lips, the temptation to feel them against my own rising with each passing second. I couldn't help but lean in closer, not wanting to resist any longer. Before I knew it, our lips were so very close to one another's, I could feel her breath upon my lips.

End of POV

As his lips got closer to mine, the temptation to feel them against my own rose with each passing second. Heaven only knows how much I wanted to kiss him, and not because it was a heat of the moment, but because I truly wanted to kiss him. He leaned in closer until...

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