Chapter 47 - Dress to Impress

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Jacob's POV

Having parked the Gladstones' carriage in an alley, I approached Abberline, who was disguised as a street sweeper and spoke in a hushed tone.

"Quite a carriage you got there. Where did you buy it if you – if you don't mind me asking?" He said.

"Ask all you want, Freddy, you'll never get an answer." I replied. He dropped the broom and spoke in his normal voice.

"Damn it all. Was it my eyebrows?"

"Yes. And your face, voice and body. Look, I've got an invitation to the Queen's ball tonight."

"How did you come by that?" I could hear the shock in his voice as he spoke.

"Freddy! There's to be an attack on the ball. I need to smuggle some weapons inside to prevent it."

"Supposing I believe you, only the royal guard carries weapons."

"So..." I moved my arms up and down, hoping that he would get the hint.

"Too easy."

"For God's sake, Freddy."

"Fine. I require a guard's uniform."

"Done. I knew you'd come through." After patting him on the shoulder, I made to leave the ally to collect one guard's uniform.

"Just promise me, Jacob, that you will return Mr. Gladstone's coach."

"Of course." With that out of the way, I made my way to the top of St. Martin-in-the-Fields and surveyed the Royal Guards patrolling outside a nearby building.

"Now where did that animal get to?" Guard one said.

"I wish we could be at the party." Guard two said.

"There'll be trouble if we go, I can tell you that." Guard three said.

"I hear there will be cake at the Queen's ball tonight." Guard four said.

"Cake, he says. The wee piglet." Guard five said.

"I hear Mr. Disraeli plans to shun the party."

"He will certainly be there. The man loves being the center of attention."

"Keep your eyes open." Guard six says.

"They are, I was just guarding the back of my eyelids is all." Guard seven says. I went for the one closest to me and, making sure that I wasn't spotted, I walked up to the guard and knocked him out. Once that was done, I took his uniform.

"Charming. Now to hide the body." I looked around me and saw that there was a haystack not too far away. "How convenient." I dumped the body into the haystack and then left the area. "Freddy, here I come." I made my way back to the alley and gave Abberline the uniform. "One uniform, as requested."

"It's still warm..."

"My gift to you."

"I will meet you on the roof of Buckingham Palace."

"You're such a romantic."  I caught him rolling his eyes at me before I walked away.

End of POV

It wasn't long before I found myself standing in front of my home, though the more I thought about it, the more it felt like it wasn't my home. Just as I was about to knock on the door, it suddenly opened, and I saw my father standing there.

"(Name)? Thank goodness you're alright." He quickly pulled me inside and closed the door behind us.

"I apologise father, after the Alhambra burnt down, I had a little difficulty finding any of your men to escort me home. Thankfully, I was able to find it on my own, though it took a bit of time." I said sheepishly, though also hoping that he wouldn't pick up on my slight lie.

"The main thing is that you're back home."

"Were you just about to attend to some business? I wouldn't want to disturb you."

"I just have a few things to do to prepare for the ball tonight."

"A ball?"

"The Queen's ball."

"Might I go father?"

"I am unsure if I can get you an invitation. Besides, wouldn't you rather stay home and rest? I'm sure you've had a rough couple of days." I don't know why, but it felt as if he didn't want me to go. Unfortunately for him, I wasn't going to give up. Besides, there's a good chance that Jacob would be there, and I want to see him again, I want to talk to him and see what I can do about my memories. Though I wasn't going to tell my father that.

"Aren't you allowed to bring a plus one? Besides, you wouldn't have to worry about me, the most trouble I would get into is dancing with a boy."

"Dancing alone is always an option."

"Father, please. It's as you said, I've had a rough couple of days and a night out would be just what I need."

"...Alright, I will see what I can do. Here." He handed me a pouch full of money. "If you are going to attend tonight, you will need a dress. Take a couple of my men and get yourself a dress for tonight."

"Thank you so much." Nothing else was said as found a couple of my father's men and ran out of the house, looking forward to tonight.

Mini time skip

Jacob's POV

As I was walking down the streets of London, I happened to spot a few Blighters with a very familiar woman walking beside her. 'What the bloody hell is she doing with those Blighters?' Not wanting to cause any trouble around (Name), I threw a smoke bomb to distract the Blighters and grabbed (Name), dragging her into an alleyway.

"What the..." Was all she could say before she saw that it was me. "Jacob? Why did you do that?"

"Why were you with those Blighters? And why weren't they attacking you?" I asked in confusion, wondering just what the hell is going on.

"I can't tell you, you're just going to have to trust me."

"Fine, but I have something for you. It's back on the train and thankfully it's nearby." Before she could say anything, I ran off to go and retrieve a box with what belongs to (Name).

"What have you got there?" (Name) said the moment I got back.

"What's in this box belongs to you, and I think you should have it back. Evie and I found this box sitting in an alley, and we couldn't just leave it out for anyone to claim." I gave her the box and, before she could open it, we heard footsteps approaching.

"I must be going, I've got a dress to find for tonight."

"Tonight? You're going to the Queen's ball?" She simply nodded her head.

"Perhaps I will see you there, Jacob. Farewell for now." Before I could say anything else, she was gone. 'I hope to see you there, (Name). I just hope your memories come back, and you can tell me just what is going while you've been away.'

End of POV

After taking the box from Jacob, I returned to my father's men and went off to find a dress. Thankfully, it didn't take long, and I was back home. I noticed father wasn't home when I got home and didn't think much of it. I simply shrugged my shoulders, walked to my room, placed the box on my bed and then opened it. The moment I saw what it was, my head begins pounding, the intensity causing me to hold my head in pain, clench my teeth and shut my eyes tightly.

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